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Naina's Pov

I ordered a taxi, and we were all waiting outside. "Are you all excited?" I asked. "I can't believe we are going abroad" the taxi came and we all sat down. "I'm just scared when the aeroplane takes off" Preeti was scared. "Don't worry, I'll be there with you" I comforted her. "Naina how is it living in a different country?" They all wanted to know. "It's so exciting, since you get to meet new people, places, Parks, and I even heard that there are snowy mountains, it's fun you will enjoy it" I told them. "Naina, your going to be responsible for our passports, and tickets" Sameer ordered.
"It's all in my bag, I've checked everything" I replied.
We had arrived at the airport, and I put my black shades on. I got three trolleys, to put our luggage on. The boys pushed the trolley, and we entered the airport. We were first in the queue. I handed over the passports, and tickets. "Where are you flying to?" The woman asked at the desk. "Switzerland" I replied back. "Wow, hope you have a lovely time, and thank you for choosing our airline" The woman was very polite, and handed the passports, and tickets back. "Now what happens?" Sameer asked. "We have to wait for the plane to come, and then we can sit down, right now we still have 1 hour left, so let's walk to our terminal first" they all followed behind me.

Sameer's Pov

We walked with Naina, and she was explaining to us what we could do to cut time. "I want to go to that shop" I pointed towards it. "Let's go then" we all entered. I looked around, and it was amazing. Naina came to me. "What are you looking for?" Naina asked. "I want to buy perfume for you, but I don't know which one to select" I was confused. "That's very sweet of you, I don't mind, you can choose any, and I will accept it." She helped me choose one. "Guys, have you done your shopping?" We walked towards them. "We got what we wanted" they showed us what they got, and we left the shop.

Our flight got announced, and we headed towards the plane. "Nanu got us all first class seats" Naina told everyone. "What does that mean?" We were confused. "Follow me, and I will show you" we all walked behind Naina. "Wow, this is so cool, no one can disturb us here" we all looked at Naina. "And you can actually relax, watch tv, there's a great service, and complimentry food" Naina told us all, and we sat down.

Naina's Pov

"Naina, sit next to us" Preeti and Swathi gestured. "Naina your sitting next to me" Sameer wanted me to sit next to him. "Why don't I sit in the middle?" I sat down, and fastened my belt. They all chose thier seats next to me. "The plane will be taking off in 5 minutes, please fastened your seatbelts, and thank you for choosing Emirates airlines" The pilot spoke.

"We are really scared" everyone held on to me. "Really, your all scared, nothing will happen, only your ears will pop, and then it will be normal again" I laughed, and explained. The plane took off, and I looked at everyone's expressions. They are all still the same, only difference is I'm mature now. "Guys, we are in the air, you can look through the window" I told them all. "We are on top of the clouds" they screamed. "Be quiet or the air hostess will shout at you" I put my headphones on, and watched a movie.

After my movie had finished, the air hostess was nearing us. I looked at the others, and they fell asleep. I'll order for them. I took my belt off, and placed thier trays down. "What would you  like ma'am?" She asked kindly. "Can we all have the vegetarian option, with 6 cans of coke please?" I suggested. "No problem ma'am, is that your husband, and your friends?" She asked. "Yes, I need to wake them all up, it's thier first time travelling abroad" we laughed. "Guys, get up your food is here" I nudged them all. They finally woke up, and were very suprised what they saw in front of them. "I was dying for food, thanks Naina" Munna laughed. We all started eating, and it was very delicious. The air hostess came back. "You finally woke them up?" She laughed. "Yeah, they love thier sleep" I smiled at her.

 Sameer's Pov

I was enjoying it so much. I looked outside of the window, and it had become dark. "Naina, are you not tired?" I asked looking at her. "No, I can never sleep on a plane it's uncomfortable" she replied whilst she was listening to music. I looked at my best friends, and they were all snuggling up to each other. I grabbed Naina's hand, and caressed it lovingly. I kissed Naina's hand, and she looked at me.

I put my head on Naina's shoulder. "Your so adorable Sameer" Naina pulled my cheeks lightly. "Do you want to watch a movie with me?" She asked. "Yes please" I chose the movie this time. We were laughing quietly, so we wouldn't disturb anyone. "Naina, you completely changed me in your love" I spoke randomly. "Sameer, that's exactly how I feel, when you entered my life" we looked at each other intensely.

Naina's Pov

We stared at each other through the whole night, until the sun shone through the window. "Sameer it's morning, and we are going to land soon" I looked all around. We woke up Preeti, Pandit, Munna and Swathi. "We will be landing into Switzerland international airport, hope you all have an amazing stay here, and thank you for choosing this airline" the pilot announced.
"The landing is the best part, you become all giddy" I shouted. We all started laughing as the plane arrived at Switzerland. We came out of the plane, and got our luggage. "Welcome to Switzerland" I opened my arms out, and twirled around.

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