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Chapter 47- Naina's Pov

Nanu, and my family came to our house the next day. "Something huge is going to happen" I grabbed Swathi, and Preeti's hand. "Are we in trouble?" Swathi whispered to us. Pandit, Munna, Sameer came to us. "What are you all talking about?" They wanted to know. I nudged Preeti, and Swathi. "Nothing" we pretended nothing happened.

"Okay then, if you don't want to tell us it's fine, because we know something, and you don't" the boys danced around us, and laughed. "We want to know" I begged in front of them. " If your not going to tell us, then sorry we can't tell you" they all walked off towards the family. "That's so unfair" we all went into my room, and closed the door. "Everyone is hiding something from us" Preeti complained. "No wonder, they don't want us there" Swathi moaned. "Do you all feel nervous?" I hugged Preeti, and Swathi. "Let's become stress-free, and take our worries away, by dancing craizily without a worry in the world" Preeti suggested.

Sameer's Pov

We all sat down with the family to discuss about our marriages. "The elders have decided that you will marry our daughters, and become our son-in-laws" Chachi confessed. "Really?" We ran and hugged Chachi. "You all are so responsible, and caring, so we can say the marriage is fixed" Nanu added. We were so happy, that we were marrying the girls of our dreams. We all took the blessings of our elders. Nanu, had bought laddus to celebrate this auspicious occasion.
"Where are the girls?" My would be farther-in-law asked. "Don't worry Papa, they are clueless about this, but we will find them" I explained. We could hear music blaring from one of the rooms, and we all decided to follow it.

Naina's Pov

"Hum tum ek kamre mein bannd ho, aur chavhi kho jaye" we sang our hearts out. We all danced crazily moving to the rhythm of the song. "Lets listen to English songs now" I suggested, and put a cassete in the music player. "This rocks, Micheal Jackson, no one can beat him" we all did the air guitar. I twirled Swathi, and Preeti around. I stopped when suddenly I saw the door was open, and everyone was stood there looking at us. I turned around. "Preeti, Swathi we are finshed" I gulped, and put my arms around thier shoulders. " Why did you stop for, let's just do what we are doing?" Preeti, and Swathi started dancing. I joined them again. Taiji coughed to grab our attention.

Preeti's Pov

"See I told you, we are in trouble" Naina tapped me, and Swathi on the head. We finally turned around, and I turned into a mouse. We all ran to towards them. "Taiji, forgive us, we will do anything for you, I'll stay with you, I will massage your feet, we will go to the temple everyday, we will watch your favourite movies, but please forgive us" we were all holding our ears, and going up and down.

Sameer's Pov

We all started laughing hysterically, that I fell on to the floor. "You misunderstood everything, you all thought that we came to shout at you, but no we are here to discuss about your marriage proposals" Taiji confessed. The girls stood up. "Taiji, are you really saying this?" Naina came forward. "Yes, it's true" Nanu confirmed.

Naina's Pov

"No way dude, I'm living in a dream" I was so shocked. "Oh my god, this is real, we are getting married" I stepped back, and hugged Preeti and Swathi. "We finally did it" we shouted. We all went over to hug our family. "Are you all happy now?" Dad was excited. "I'm so happy, thank you so much for this, I love you dad" I hugged him. I love you too princess" Dad kissed my forehead.

Our families left, and I closed the door. I'm so crazy, thinking that we were in trouble. True love never fades. I skipped my way towards my friends. "How does it feel now that we are all getting married?" I wanted to know. "It's all happening because of you" Sameer looked at me. "What did I do?" I shrugged my shoulders.

Sameer's Pov

"You came into our lives, like a breath of fresh air, I still remember when you came out of that black car, I started liking you since then, but wow you were so confident, it felt like youwere not from our generation, then our hospital visit, you were so different back then" we remembered our past.

Preeti's Pov

"Then remember when I got bullied in school, you were the one who defended me, which I can never forget, and then that surprise party which we kept for you, you were so naughty pretending to be a thief to scare us all" I laughed remembering the moments. "It's been a rollercoaster ride, but we got to where we are  by our efforts, and hardwork." Naina said.

Swathi's Pov

"But the biggest thing, that you did for all of us, was your marriage proposal to Sameer, hands down that was the best" we all clapped for Naina. "So your all saying, that if I didn't enter your life none of this would have happened, Wow I don't know what to say, but I'm glad I've helped you all in the past three years" we all hugged Naina.

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