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Sameer's Pov

We had returned to the villa. It was so awesome seeing Zurich. We were all tired besides Naina. "Naina, how come your never tired?" I said with a yawn. "It's because I'm fresh, and I've come to Europe after such a long time, I missed it here" she twirled around. "You've not slept for two days, you need rest" I told her to come here, and sleep next to me. "No, I'm going clubbing, and if anyone is interested, then you can come along" Everyone was shocked at what Naina had spoke. "The best part about Switzerland is the nightlife, it's so cool" Naina went upstairs, and we all followed her.

Naina's Pov

I opened my wardrobe, and took out a black sparkly dress, with red high heel shoes. "What are you all staring at get changed?" They all ran to thier rooms, and Sameer entered. "Anything can happen in clubbing, I'm not too sure about this" Sameer was unsure. "Come on please for me, let's enjoy this, or we won't get another chance" Sameer agreed with me. We got changed, and went downstairs. "Wow you look awesome" I complimented my best friends. We all left the villa, and sat in the car. It was a 15 minute drive. I stopped the car, and we all got out. I held hands with Sameer. We all entered inside the club. "This is so cool, so many people in one place, forgetting about thier worries" Munna was amazed. I took them all to the V.I.P area, and sat down. The waiter came, and gave us our drinks.
"What is this?" Pandit asked. "Tequila shots, it sends you to a different world, the more you have them, you forget about everything else around you" we all lifted our shots up, and drank. I had about 4 shots, until a sexy woman sat down next to Sameer. "Hey, handsome" she hugged Sameer, and was making me jealous. "What's your name?" Sameer was playing the jealousy game. "The name is Samantha" she kissed Sameer's hand. "Such a beautiful name you have" Sameer complimented her.

They were talking, and laughing for the next 20 minutes, when I had enough. I stood up, and went down. Who does he think he is making me jealous, I can make him jealous too. I went to the bartender. "Give me a vodka, make sure it's strong" I ordered him. He gave it to me, and I drank it down in one breath. A handsome guy was sat next to me. We looked at each other. "Hey gorgeous, do you want to dance with me?" He asked. I looked up, and they were still talking. "I would love to dance with you, unlike some others" I held his hand, and he took me to the dance floor. "What's your name by the way?" We were swaying side to side. "Alex, and what's yours Princess?" He turned me around.  "The name's Naina" Sameer looked down at me, and he was livid. So Sameer can't see me with anyone else, he made me jealous, so I'm doing the same thing. I placed my hands around his neck, and he bought me closer.

Sameer's Pov

I was livid looking at Naina, dancing with some other guy, that wasn't me. Naina only belongs to me. I went downstairs, and came on to the dance floor. I pulled Naina, and that guy apart. I punched him hard that he fell on to the floor. "How dare you dance with my wife, she belongs to me, we are married, and who gave you the permission to touch her?" I kept punching him in the face. "Sameer, let go, your going to kill him" Naina placed her hand on my arm, and I looked up at her. I grabbed her hand, and dragged her out of the club. "How dare you dance with someone else?" I shouted. "And how dare you flirt with someone else?" Naina argued back. "So you were jealous about me?" I walked forward, and she bumped in to a tree. "So I did the same thing by dancing with that guy to see how it feels?" We were both affected. "I walked away, because I couldn't take it anymore, to see you talking with someone that wasn't me" Naina screamed. "I was angry at you, because I couldn't see you with anyone else, you are mine" I looked at Naina seriously.

Naina's Pov

"I don't think we are made for each other" I was intoxicated, and I didn't know what I was saying. I was about to go, when Sameer held on to my arm tightly. "Sameer, your hurting me" I cried. "What about you, you did the same thing, but much worse?" Sameer was pained. I let go of Sameer's hand, and ran away. I was feeling guilty, as Sameer was right. I hurt him much more. How in the world did I do this?" The one who I truly loved, I broke him in to pieces. I had a nervous breakdown, and felt Sameer's pain. I didn't realise, when a few men came towards me. " Aww, what's a pretty young lady doing here all alone?" One of the men circled me. I stood up, and I wasn't aware of my surroundings. "Please, just leave me alone" I begged. "No can do Sweetheart" they all came towards me. "Sameer" I kept on shouting. No one heard me. This is the consequences that I will need to suffer. They all lunged at me, and started punching me. I couldn't fight back, because the guilt was eating me alive. I kept on shouting for Sameer to come.

Sameer's Pov

Naina just left me here. I was crying, and all my friends came to hug me. "Sameer, where is Naina?" They all asked. I could hear someone shouting my name. "That's Naina's voice, we need to follow it" we all ran towards it. What I saw in front of made me so angry. I removed the men around her, and started to punch them. Munna, and Pandit joined me, whilst Swathi, and Preeti were trying to wake Naina up. "Get lost from here before I call the police" the men ran away. I went towards Naina, and I was shattered to see her in this state. Her body, and face had bruises all over her skin. I lifted her up. "Preeti, you will have to drive the car" I ordered, and we reached home.
I placed Naina on to the bed, and took her heels off. Swathi gave me the first aid box. I applied the antiseptic on to her bruises carefully. I cried seeing how much pain she went through. I wrapped a bandage around her forehead.

Naina's Pov

Someone was following me, and I tried to run. I didn't see where I was going, and I tripped over. The man was coming closer, and I was really scared. "No" I shouted, and I sat up in bed. I looked around, and all my friends were here, my eyes landed on Sameer who was sat next to me. He hugged me, and I cried terribly. "Sameer, I can't live without you anymore, and I am extremely sorry to everyone, I can't even look at myself anymore, this guilt is killing me,this is what I deserve " I fell on to the floor, and cried my heart in front of everyone. Preeti, Swathi, Pandit, and Munna hugged me. "Naina, please don't say that, you are our hope, and if you cry we are going to lose hope" they all cried along with me. "God will never forgive me for this, how can I be your hope when I committed this sin?" I stood up, and went to get a candle. I lighted it, and placed my hand over it. "Naina, what are you doing?" Sameer took my hand off the candle. "I need a punishment, and burning my hand is the only way" I was becoming insane. Sameer slapped me across the face. "Are you mad, why would you do that to yourself, look how much pain your in, and your adding extra pain by burning your hand?" Sameer gave me a reality check. "Thank you for slapping me, you knocked some sense into me" I painfully smiled, and left the room.

I wiped my tears away, and started hitting myself. Sameer warned me yesterday, but I didn't listen. I went towards the mirror. "You think your so confident about everything, look at what you did, you fell in your own eyes, I hate you Naina Maheswari Aggarwal" I turned around, and everyone was there. I breathed in and out, and walked towards the gym. I put my boxing gloves on, and started to punch the boxing bag to take my anger out. Being over-confident is a weakness of mine. I started punching hard, and remembered my past. What comes around goes around. Exercise is my stress buster. I lifted up weights, and saw everyone coming to the gym. I put the weights down, and started doing push-ups really fast. I stood up, and splashed water all over myself. I felt at ease now. "I took my anger out on the punching bag, and I also said I hate myself in the mirror, being over confident is a weakness, and I know all of you hate it, but there's a reason why I do this, my parents neglected me, sent me off to a boarding School, my attitude changed since then, I had no one with me at that time, others bullied me, atleast you all were together, but then I changed my personality totally, I became the talk of the school, everyone wanted to be like me, but where were they when I needed friends, just imagine being lonely for two years, for God's sake I was only 14, just imagine getting taunts from other people, so that's why I'm like this, even I'm human, I have feelings, there's a story behind an individual, you have to fight back in this cruel world" I told them the worst truth of my life.

Sameer's Pov

Naina told us her life story. There's so much pain behind her confidence, and she still smiles, and makes others happy before herself. I ran up to her, and hugged Naina tightly. "Why didn't you ever share this with us?" I wiped her tears away. "I don't want to show my weakness to anyone, that why I hid it from you all" Naina looked at us. "Naina, you shouldn't hide your weaknesses from all of us, it creates a barrier for us to know you well" I intelligently spoke. "I'm sorry Naina as well" I placed my hand on my ear. "No Sameer, you did the right thing" Naina took my hand down. "I was in the wrong" Naina accepted her mistakes. "I love you Naina" I kissed her on the forehead. " I love you too Sameer" Naina looked at me smiling. Our friends came to us, and we had a group hug.

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