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 Naina's Pov

Today was an important day for all of us. It was my fake wedding day. Rahul's family wanted the wedding to be simple, and not to have too many relatives. It's making sense to me, that they are hiding something. I started to get ready, with the help of my friends. "Naina I feel very nervous" Preeti had an uneasy feeling. "Don't worry Preeti, we will catch him today, I will be carrying a gun" I hugged her to give reassurance.
The boys came in. "Wow, all three of you look so gorgeous" they came closer to us. "Thanks, but we will all look beautiful when we get married to each other, I'm just hoping Sameer wakes up today" I looked at them with hope. "Guys, you all know what to do right, if he tries to run away, then Munna can chase him, as your very fast in running" I smiled at Munna. We all had a group hug.

Sameer's Pov

I was trying to move my fingers across to Nanu's hand. Nanu felt my hand on top of his. "Sameer, come on you can do it, wake up for your Nanu" I heard him. I jolted up on to the bed. The first word I spoke was Naina. Nanu started crying, since this is the first time I am seeing him after 2 years. He hugged me so tightly, and I  wept into his shoulder. " How are you?" I asked. "I'm relieved to see you again, I thought I was going to lose you, but Naina supported me from the past 2 years to never give up on you" Nanu wiped his tears.
"Nanu, where is Naina by the way?" I tried to look outside. "Sameer, how am I going to tell you?" Nanu looked down. "Tell me what happened?" I asked impatiently. Nanu looked at me in the eyes. "Naina is getting married today" Nanu said seriously. "What, this is impossible, how can she forget me so easily, was our love that weak, we promised each other, that we would get married, Naina is only mine, and I can't see her with anyone else, I'm going to stop this marriage no matter what happens, Nanu take me to her right now" I stood up and confessed.

Naina's Pov

Rahul, and his family had arrived with the barrat. Taiji, chachi, chacha, and my dad were outside to welcome them. "Guys, this is it, it's time to get this plan into action, once I start going round the nuptial rounds, I will take my gun out then, and that's when everything will come to forth" I told them what I was going to do. "That way, we will surround them all, so that there will be no chance of escaping" Swathi told her idea.
"Okay, Preeti, Arjun, and Pandit you will stay with me, and then we will go down together, Swathi, and Munna, check for any suspicious behaviour" I ordered. Munna, and Swathi left. I hid the gun in my lehengha. Chachi came running up to us. "Bring Naina downstairs in 2 minutes" Chachi left. "It's showtime" I smirked. We all went outside. Arjun, Pandit and Preeti were holding on to me.

Sameer's Pov

"Please Nanu drive faster, I don't want to be late" I complained. "I'm driving as fast as I can" Nanu drove at a high speed. We finally arrived, to Naina's house. I got out of the car, and closed the door. I looked in front, and everything was decorated with fairy lights, and a beautiful stage. I saw Naina coming down with Arjun, Preeti, and Pandit. Naina was looking so gorgeous that I couldn't take my eyes off her. I turned around, because I can't see her with anyone else, but me.
"Sameer, it's not what it looks like" Nanu came to me. "How am I going to believe you, look how happy she looks" I folded my arms together. Even my best friends have forgotten me. I turned to look at Naina, and she was sat down, next to a random boy. The priest started to say the mantras. I completely broke down.

Naina's Pov

It was time for Rahul, to do the first 4 nuptial rounds. I was feeling sick, and guilty for doing this to Sameer. I was behind Rahul. I wasn't paying attention, until I saw Nanu, and Sameer standing outside the society. I slowly took my gun out, and pointed it towards the sky. Everyone looked at me as if I was mad. Sameer heard the bullet, and came running towards me. We hugged each other after 2 years in front of everyone. He began to cry. "Naina, your not hurt are are you?" Nanu, and Sameer checked me to see if there was anything wrong. I started laughing hysterically, and put Sameer behind me. "What did you think, I would marry you, and never come to know, that you were behind Sameer's accident?" I slapped Rahul. " We found out in Dellhi, that day when we went to the police station" I crouched down, and tutted. He was going to run, when Pandit, and Munna grabbed him. "Where do you think your going fake brother in- law?" Munna punched him in the stomach.

Sameer's Pov

I was confused at what was happening. "Everyone, listen carefully this marriage is fake, it was all a plan to catch Rahul, and his family red-handed" Preeti announced, and slapped the groom's mother. Woah, everyone has changed drastically. "Have you not all noticed, why they wanted the marriage to take place in two days?" Swathi shouted. "It's because, we have a lot of money, and then they would have depended on Naina to do everything" Swathi twisted the ear of the groom's farther. "Itna bara dhoka" Taiji screamed. "Taiji, you should be thankful to all of the C.I.D officers who helped on this mission, or else you would have all lost your respect, and I'm telling you from now, you shouldn't make a hasty decision, you saw what happened in arrange marriages, love marriage is much more better" Naina confirmed. Naina looked back at me. "Yes, Sameer me, Munna, Pandit, Preeti, Swathi, and Arjun are all C.I.D officers" I looked at all of them shockingly.

Naina's Pov

We made Rahul, and his family sit down on the stage, with thier hands tied up. "Munna, and Pandit, do your thing, and Preeti just do what your best at" I nodded my head to let them go forward. They all went up on to the stage, and slapped the living daylights out of all them, which made the ground shake so hard. "Now tell us, why you caused this to Sameer?" Pandit held on to Rahul tightly. "I was jealous of him, and Naina's love, so I decided that I wanted to kill him, and that guy Prakash fell under the influence the influence of money, so I told him to make the road slippery, my parents supported me, but when the phone call came for this marriage proposal, I was very eager to get married to Naina" Rahul confessed his crime.
"And that's when our masterplan came into action, you fell into our trap, that time you asked me who I was you became so nervous, that my doubt was true, you were the one who made Sameer go into coma for two years. Sometimes, in order to catch the criminal, we have to act, so that we are hitting two birds with one stone, you should be ashamed for putting  an innocent person into coma, I will, always and forever love Sameer, you put us all through so much pain especially Nanu, he would have fallen apart, if we were not there for him, I fell into depression, but I wanted to be Nanu's support system, I'm his best friend now, we all had to move to Dellhi for higher studies, which seperated us from Sameer, you will get the worst punishment, all of you will be hanged" I confessed, and the police took them away.
"We did it guys, I'm so happy for us all, Sameer come here, it's all over now" I gestured to make Sameer come forward.

Sameer's Pov

"You guys went through so much pain, because of me, and it took me 2 years to get out of coma" I cried in front of everyone. "You've all changed so much, you all became C.I.D officers for me right, what are you guys made out of?" I looked up at them. They all crouched down, and hugged me with tears. "That day when we reached the hospital, and the doctor announced you were in coma, we promised each other that we would find whoever did this to you, and that became our goal, to wipe out crime, we never gave up on you" Naina explained. "Im so proud of you all, look how far you have come, you've become so mature, and responsible" I looked at them with pride.
"Guess what we can all drive, except you, so start to learn soon" Pandit laughed which made me smile.

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