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Naina's Pov

Preeti, and Swathi entered the room. I was in my family home. "Are you excited, today is our Roka ceremony?" We all looked into the mirror. "Isn't Roka an engagement ceromony?" I looked confused. "It is, but in tradition it's called Roka" Swathi was helping me to put my earring on. "That's interesting, a huge desi wedding for us, it's going to be fun" I clapped my hands.
"What does desi mean?" They scratched thier heads. "Learn from me, it means back home in India, where we follow indian culture, and traditions. "You look so beautiful" Preeti complimented me. "No, we all look gorgeous, and I must say our fiances will be flat" we all looked at what we were wearing. "Atleast, we are colour- coordinated, which means we will be wearing the same for every function" we all hugged each other.
There was a knock at the door. "Can I come in?" Chachi asked. She opened the door, and closed it behind her. She looked up at us. "You all look so stunningly beautiful, may god protect you from the evil eye" she took her kajal, and placed it behind our ears. "You've all grown up so fast, that you will be getting married soon" Chachi became emotional. "Chachi, we are going to come and see you, we are not going away forever, but I know what you will say your in-laws is your home now, which is true, but this is the home which we grew up in" I made Chachi understand. We all wiped her tears away.

Sameer's Pov

We had reached Naina's house. I was in the car with Nanu, Pandit and Munna. "Are you all ready for the Roka?" Nanu was excited. "I can't believe we are getting engaged today, and that too with the girls we adore" I was still in shock. "My sons have grown up to be so mature, and responsible" Nanu was proud of us. We all got out of the car, and headed inside. Chacha, and dad were waiting for us. "Let's go, and get your Roka started" Dad was smiling. We went up the stairs, and saw the beautiful decorations when we entered.
"This is amazing" Munna looked around. We all sat down, and started talking. Chachi, and taiji came out of the kitchen. We all took thier blessings. "All three of you look so handsome" Chachi complimented us. "Thank you Chachi, but your no less than beautiful" Chachi became shy.

Naina's Pov

"They are all here" I placed my ear against the door, and I could hear them talking. "What are they saying?" Preeti, and Swathi wanted to know. "Like always complimenting Chachi" I laughed quietly. "Can we go outside now?" Preeti pleaded. "No, let Chachi come here, and then we can go" I heard someone coming. We all stepped back, and taiji opened the door. "I'm coming back to call you in 5 minutes, the priest is here" Taiji left. We all looked in the mirror for a final check, until Chachi came to collect us all.

Sameer's Pov

We saw the girls looking so beautiful, and they were all looking like princesss. Chachi made them sit next to us, whilst the priest started reciting the mantras. I looked at Naina, and she looked back at me. "Look in front, before we get in trouble" Naina whispered. We had to bring our heads forward for the tilak. It was our turn. I leant forward, and the priest applied vermilion and rice grains on my forehead. He did the same with Naina.

Naina's Pov

We all stood up, and took the blessings of our famalies. "May you all remain happy, and prosperous" Taiji said to all of us. Sameer, and I went to Nanu, to take his blessings. He was very happy. We both hugged Nanu. "Your going to become my granddaughter-in-law" Nanu expressed. "I can't wait to be a Maheshwari now" I smiled looking at Sameer, and Nanu.

Nanu, and my family exchanged gifts with each other. It included sweets, fruit baskets, dry fruits, clothes, and other assortments. I was so excited seeing this as two families were going to become one. All of our friends came to us. "Munna, Pandit, Sameer, you all look so handsome when your wearing a suit" the girls replied. "You are looking so breathtakingly beautiful" the boys complimented us. "What's the next ceromony now?" Sameer asked. "It's haldi" we shouted.

Sameer's Pov

"Oh, so it's haldi next, we are going to apply haldi on you all tommorow" I challenged the girls. "Sameer that's not how it is done, we should follow the tradition, and not break it. Naina argued. "But you use to say we should break rules, and have fun" I used Naina's thoughts against her.
"Copycat, you can't steal my lines, that's what made me lengendary everywhere, I'm a hero, confident, strong minded, and a extravort, no one can copy my style" the old Naina is back.

"We will see who applies haldi first, I accept your challenge" Naina shook hands with me.

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