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Naina's Pov

I breaked harshly near a temple. I got out of the car, and shut the door slowly. I walked all the way up the stairs, and took my shoes off. I ran inside, and joined my hands together. "Dear, god I want to start a new life, without any luxuries; I want to start from the bottom, and make my way to the ladder of success, I want to change myself completely, but not that much, so that I can blend in; I know your angry with me, but that's because I have never believed you; I will make sure, that I come and visit you everyday, please god become my strength in the most difficult times, and I'm really sorry for hurting my loved ones, but one day I will win thier hearts" I made a prayer to god.
I took my shoes, and as I was walking down, I saw a few poor people begging for money. I don't need this money anymore, from now on I'm going to give half of my money to the poor. I took out the money from my purse, and handed it over to them. "Please keep this with you, as you need it more than me" I requested. "God bless you dear, what's your name?" The elderly man blessed me. " My name is Naina" I crouched down low, and looked at him. "Are you hungry, come and I will make you eat something" I helped the elderly man into the car.
"Dear, where is your family?" He asked with concern. I stopped the car, and turned to face him. "I don't know, they have abondaned me" I cried hugging him. "I don't have a family anymore" I chocked with tears brimming my eyes. "It's okay Naina, you can call me dad" he replied tenderly. What my real farther couldn't do, this individual is giving me the love that I truely deserved. "Where are you going to stay?" He replied letting go off the hug. " I was thinking I'll stay in the temple, because I have no home now. "Nonsense, you can stay with my family, they will be really happy to see you" he smiled at me. "Your doing so much for me, I have to do something in return for you, maybe a job, and giving you rent, because I can't live with you for free" I offered a deal. "Deal accepted Naina, now let's go we need to buy food for our family" he laughed. When he laughed I laughed. My dad is very speacial. I started the car, and drove towards a pani puri stall, and a dhabha.
Dad was so excited, to see so many delicious food. "I bought everything I had with the remaining money that I had left over. We drove towards the chawl. "This is our home" Dad showed me around. It was very different to where I had lived. I smiled looking at the children playing hopscotch. I really wanted to make a difference for them. I followed Dad towards his flat. He opened the door, and his wife was praying to god. She turned around and saw us.
"Who's this adorable girl?" she smiled at me. I took her blessings, and she hugged me. "This is Naina, she was the one who helped me, and she needs a place to stay." Dad told everything about me. " Don't worry dear, you can stay here for as long as you want, and you can call me mom" she kissed my forehead. I hugged my new parents. "Thank you so much, you don't know what this means to me" I cried remembering my mother who I've not seen. I saw a young boy, carrying a ball in his hands. I went over to him, and crouched down to him. "What's your name?" He asked. "Naina, and what's your name?" I kissed him on the cheek. "My name is Pralay" he replied. "Can we become friends" I took my hand out. He shook my hand gently. I gave him chocolates. He hugged me. "Your the best Di" he whispered in my ear.
I stood up, and helped mom in taking out the food. "Come Dad, and Pralay food is ready" I called. We all sat down, and mom was feeding me. "Dad I need to go job hunting soon, will you come with me, after we have finished?" I politely asked. "Of course Naina, you don't have to ask" Dad was happy.

Sameer's Pov

Chachi did the right thing, by giving a lecture to Naina. But I wasn't accepting her to slap her. She has hurt us a lot, and I totally understand where chachi is coming from. Why would you fake your own death? Atleast she could have told us, but no she is stubborn.
I'm getting worried about her. Chachi,chacha,Arjun,Preeti and Rakesh sir had left for home. I don't know how Naina is going to survive. She has become so lonely again. I miss her a lot. Maybe I will get to see her in school tommorow.

Naina's Pov

Instead of using the car, I had a cycle ride with dad which was even fun than driving a car. I knew how to ride a cycle. We had stopped near a construction site. They were offering jobs which had a decent salary wage. I got off the cycle, and put the stopper down. I held on to dad's hand. We went inside, and saw dad's friend. They both hugged each other. "What brings you here?" Abhijeet asked.
"Can Naina do a job here?" Dad asked. "Of course she can, but I need to see if she is good at all of this" I looked towards him. "I won't let you down, you will be proud of me" I spoke with honesty.
I went towards where all the brick work was layed out towards me. I had to make enough concrete, so that the bricks wouldn't go to waste. I poured the concrete mix in to the machine, and added water. I waited for it to mix properly. I turned the machine off. I got an old slate, to cover some of the mix. I went down on to my knees, and placed the mix on top of the brick wall. I lifted two bricks in one one go and started to place the brick in the right area. I used the back of the spreader to make sure they were in the correct position.
I had managed to complete it all. "Your hired for the job Naina" Dad's friend told me. "Thank you so much uncle, and I will work with honesty, and a caring nature. I received my first  earning, and it was 500 Rupees. I was so happy. I gave my rent money to dad, and half of it to charity. The rest I would live on for to get a new cycle for myself. I'm slowly changing, and these small moments is my new hope to live for.
I missed Sameer alot, but I don't know what his reaction towards me tommorow will be like. I don't care if anyone judges or taunts me. I will tolerate it. I will win back everyone's heart. I got home, and closed the door to my room. I grabbed the pillow, and talked to it as if was Sameer. I held on to it tightly, and dreamed my love story.

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