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Naina's Pov

 I stepped inside Heathrow Airport with my luggage on a trolley. 2 years have flown by. London has completely changed my outlook. I'm not the shy and timid girl who I used to be. I placed my luggage on to the conveyor belt. "Can I have your passport and ticket ma'am?" asked the lady at the front desk. " Aww, your so cute, but you don't have to call me that, I'm a common immigrant" I placed my hand on to my cheek. " Where are you flying to?" The woman checked my passport. "India" I exxagerrated. "You seem to be rich?" She looked at me with a sly smirk. " You know I can sue you for that, just do your job, and hand me the boarding ticket" I snatched the pass and headed towards the terminal.

I swear to god why can't people mind thier own bussiness. " Passengers boarding the flight from London to India is now boarding, people with first class tickets please make your way to the front" the flight attendant spoke. I know what your all thinking, how did I get such an expensive ticket, well the thing is I earned that money by doing part-time jobs.

I made my way towards the plane, and sat down in an empty seat. The plane took off at the exact time it was supposed to. 

Sameer's Pov

Today was Sunday, why did my best friends take me out today. They know we have school tommorow. I was about to start the engine of my bike when suddenly, Munna and Pandit came in front of me. "Where are you going?" they asked. " Have you seen the time it's 7PM and we have school, take Preeti and Swathi home before thier parents find out?" I shouted. I drove away, and reached home.

(Skip to next day)

The bell rang indicating that school was over. Another day had gone by. "Sameer let's drop Swathi and Preeti home" Pandit spoke out of the blue. " Why should I come?" I asked confused. " Please come it's boring without you" they all begged. " Ok,ok I'm coming" we all had a group hug.

Naina's Pov-

I had finally arrived in Ahmedabad , and nothing much has changed at all. The only thing that has changed is me. I managed to get my luggage, or else you know in India, your personal belongings get lost. I went near to a phone booth, and quickly dialled a number. " Hi, Piyush, muhjhe ek car chahiye" I asked my friend. " Wow, what a pleasant surprise, I'm hearing your voice after long time" he was shocked. " Yeah, bro I'm in a hurry" I put the phone down.

I waited outside the airport, but people kept on staring at me. " Hey do you have a problem, just don't look at me like I'm a piece of meat?" I shouted at the boys who were ogooling me. The car had finally arrived, and Piyush stepped out. I put my luggage in the back seat of the car. " You know you can't drive?" Piyush grinned. " Oh yes, I can drive anywhere in the world, if you have an international driving licence" I pulled it out. He gave me the keys.
I sat down and made the engine come to life. I put my shades on and drove out of the airport in style.

Sameer's Pov

We had dropped Swathi home, but Preeti has to be extra careful. I always get worried about the girls. What if thier parents find out? I was about to leave when all of a sudden a black shiny car was parked near the society with blaring music being played.

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