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Naina's Pov

I started laughing as Sameer twirled me around. I hid my face towards his chest. "Sameer I'm feeling dizzy" I tried to say, but he was very happy. I smiled looking at him contently. "Jiju Naina needs to breathe for a moment" Preeti advised. Sameer put me down safely on to the ground. I placed my hands on top of my head. "Why am I seeing triple of everyone?" I shaked my head to get rid of the dizziness. Everyone started laughing. I lunged myself in to the sofa. I took deep breaths to calm myself down.
"Sameer atleast tell me what you were going to do, that was really unexpected" I moaned cutely. "Expect the unexpected" Sameer winked. "Really Sameer?" I stood up, and he went backwards indicating that he knew what was going to happen. He started to run, and I chased after him. He placed a chair in front of us. "You always trouble me all the time" I tried to catch him, but he hid behind Rohan. "Rohan is not going to save you, he's on my side" I high-fived him. I finally caught him, and pulled his ear lightly. "Guys, you can whatever you want now" I called them all towards Sameer. "Your finished" everyone screamed. Sameer jumped on to the sofa. We all lunged at him, and he was underneath. "How does it feel now, that we love you a lot?" Munna kissed him on the cheeck. "Munna" Sameer wiped his face. I started laughing hysterically. "Munna is also on my side as well, I'm glad your my Dewar" I took everyone off from Sameer. "Mr. Sameer Maheswari get up now" I lifted him up to stand straight.

Sameer's Pov

"Mrs Naina Maheswari, my back hurts, all I did was twirl you around, and you all gave me a back breaking punishment, come to our room, you need to give me an oil massage" I held on to Naina, and we entered our room. She placed me on to the bed carefully with my back in front. Naina went to get the oil from the wardrobe. She sat on the side of the bed. "Sameer where does it actually hurt?" She lifted my clothes up partly.

Naina placed her fingers on my back, and it was warm. How can I stop myself from her touch? "Sameer tell me" Naina wanted to know. I tried to point my finger in the direction where it hurted the most. "Okay then, thanks for telling me" Naina replied.

Naina's Pov

I took some oil out in to my hands, and rubbed it together. I placed my hands on to his back and started to massage. Atleast we get to spend time together like this. "Sameer are you enjoying it?" I wanted to know "Yes, your hands have a magic touch, I'm feeling really sleepy now" he moaned sleepily. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands, and placed Sameer's clothes back down again. I placed the oil in the bedside drawer. I was about to leave the room, when all of a sudden Sameer placed his hand around my arm, and pushed me towards the bed, opposite of him.

"Sameer, what are you doing?" I was astonished. "All of this was an act, my back dosen't hurt, and I only did this drama so that we can spend some time together" he caressed my face. I closed my eyes, since his touch was intoxicating me. My breathing was increasing every second. Sameer placed his finger along my neck, and slowly brought it down. I got that tingling feeling within me, and turned the opposite way. I opened my eyes, and blushed a lot. I could feel Sameer coming closer, and placing a feather like kiss on the nape of my neck. My feelings increased for Sameer. I looked behind me, and turned my body facing Sameer. I just looked at him with a lot of love. "Your loving me a lot today?" I spoke romantically. "You are so special, and you are made for loving" he replied back.

Sameer's Pov

Naina wrapped her self around me. I kissed her on her forehead. "Sameer, you won't mind me if I do something?" Naina looked at me. "No, why would I mind, you can do anything?" I told Naina. She sat up in bed, turned around, and came on top of me. "Sameer I am" she whispered in my ear, and left her sentence incomplete. Naina started tickling me a lot. "Sameer, breathe" I couldn't breathe because of the laughing. "Naina stop" I pleaded.

"No I want you to have a laugh attack" Naina stated. "But I'm laughing so much" I tried to say between my giggles. "I let go of you now, or else you will do something" Naina sat on the bed. I sat next to her. Naina was smiling a lot. "Sameer, that was fun" I held on to her hand. I hugged Naina. "I've learnt this from you" I reminded Naina. We heard a knock coming outside of the door. "Sameer and Naina we need to go to the studio" Pandit told us. "We are coming" we both stood up.

Naina's Pov

I got the car keys, and we exited our room. "That was a long back massage" everyone teased us. "Sameer kept distracting me, and he teased me, so that's why it took long" I nudged him to play along. "Yes, I was having fun with Naina, since she always teases me" Sameer winked at me. "Come on guys, are we not getting late now?" I ordered. We all sat in the car, and got to the studio. I stopped the car, and took my seatbelt off. "Everyone we are here" I looked at everyone. "Sameer, take deep breaths, stay calm, don't stress, and all the best just kill it" I advised Sameer.

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