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Sameer's Pov

"Guys can you hear that music playing, it sounds so different to our songs" I stopped everyone from talking. " That music makes me want to dance" Preeti danced her way towards the car. " She's going to get us in trouble" Munna ran after Preeti. "Let's go and save your princess" I laughed and followed the others.

Naina's Pov

I was listening to my favourite English song, Micheal Jackson ' Dangerous' . I bopped my head to the beat. I didn't care if all the aunties and uncles started to complain. What do they know about music?
Suddenly, I saw a group of people coming towards my car. Either they are going to complain, or else I'll just fool them with my looks. "Hey, open the door" a girl with a white and turquoise uniform exclaimed. It's time to get this show on the road. I turned the music off, and roared the engine just to scare them.
The girl hid behind a sweet boy who were holding hands. They were knocking on the wrong side of the car. I just smirked looking at them. I could see them, but they couldn't see me. " How dare you scare my girlfriend like that?" Pandit kicked the car. I just smirked looking at them.

Sameer's Pov

" Why did you kick the car, it could be anyone inside? I pointed a finger at Pandit. Magically, the door opened, and our mouths were on the floor. The left side of the door opened, instead of the right. I was confused. Next, as soon as she stepped her foot on the ground, I had a different feeling in me.

Naina's Pov

I was twirling my keys around my finger, and whistling. I closed the car door with a loud thud, so that I could startle the person who kicked my car. The strange thing was that they were all looking down, as if I'm the president of India. I clicked my fingers to get thier attention.  " Hello, I'm not talking to a brick wall, will someone explain to me who and why did you kick my car?" I shouted.

Preeti's Pov

She looks so familiar, as if I have a connection with her. " Preeti ki batchi, tum kyun chup rahi ho? She dragged me in front of the boys. " How do you know her name?" Pandit was shocked. "I know all of your names" Naina looked up towards the sky. " Preeti, Swathi, Munna, Pandit and Sameer" she took her shades off.

Naina's Pov

" Shall I tell chacha on what's been going on between you two, once he finds out he will throw you out of the house" I looked at Preeti sternly. "No, please don't do that I really love Preeti a lot" Pandit begged in front of me. " If your saying it so nicely I will let you go, by the way I'm Naina, Naina Aggarwal" I put my shades back on and left the scene.

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