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Naina's Pov

We had arrived in Dellhi. It's very different to Amdhabaad. "Guys, some of you will stay in the car, whilst I will take Preeti, and Swathi with me to the police station" We got in to our car. This time Swathi drove, because she knows Dellhi very well. My phone flashed and I picked it up. " It's Nanu, I just wanted to tell you, that Sameer's heart is beeping, but he's still in the same condition " he was happy at first, but then he became emotional. "Nanu, we are making progress, even this little sign is giving us hope, don't give up" I motivated Nanu. "You trust on me whatever I will do, I will find Sameer's culprit anyhow, even if it's means I will have to hatch a masterplan to bring forth" I told him on what I was planning to do. I hung up the phone.
"Guys, Nanu just rang, and told me Sameer's heart is beating, but he's still in the same condition" I replied happily. "Really?" They cheered. "Yeah, just keep praying for him" I assured them with faith. We reached Dellhi Police station. Swathi, Preeti, and I got out of the car. I saluted at the constable. "C.I.D team from Amdhabbad, Senior Inspector Naina, Preeti, and Swathi" we took out badges out for proof. We shook hands with the constable outside.
We entered, and the inspector came forward. "I rang you yesterday, about the case of Sameer Maheshwari" I told him for assurance. "Yes, I remember, please come with me" we followed behind him. "What can I help you with?" He sat down. I took out the photo of Prakash, and showed it to him. "Do you recognise him?" He took it, and looked at it carefully. "This is Prakash, a thief we've caught him a lot of times" he answered. "Well this time, he came under the influence of money in Ahadhabaad 2 years ago, he says he does not know the man, but he gave me the number plate of a car" I passed it to him. He checked it up, on the criminal database, and showed it to us. I wrote down the address, and we left.

Swathi's Pov

We all sat down in the car. "Guys, listen to me very carefully, I know how to catch the criminal, but you all have to promise me something, we need to call him to Ahamdhabbad, and fix my marriage proposal, we will catch him red-handed on the wedding day, I'm only doing this for us all, and Sameer, by the way the family will find out what actually happens in a betrayal, and then maybe we can all get married, please guys will you be with me?" Naina requested.
"This masterplan will actually work out, but first we need to tell Nanu, on what we are planning so that he does not get confused" I added in. "Good idea, Swathi " everyone agreed.
Pandit's Pov

" Naina where do you get such amazing ideas from?" I asked. "Pandit, I can do anything with you guys, but I love when we all plan together, that way it makes it more fun, and we understand each other" Naina explained. "Lets get out of Dellhi, and go to the hospital" Nanu must be waiting for us.

Naina's Pov

After a two hour drive, we had arrived in Ahamdhabbad. We got off the car, and went straight to Nanu's office. We opened the door, and Nanu was sipping on his tea. "Wow, your all back, come here and take your Nanu's blessings" he stood up. We all ran to him, and took his blessings. "Nanu, we have a masterplan, but you will have to support us all, I've found the criminal, but I'm calling him here for a fake marriage, that way we can catch him, and I hope Sameer will wake up on time" I confessed to him. " All of you are so intelligent, I'm proud of you all" he looked at all us with pride. "If Sameer, gets up explain to him, and bring him to the society" I hugged Nanu and closed the door.

Preeti's Pov
We all reached my mom's house, and knocked on the door. Uncle opened the door, and he let us all come inside. We all saw taiji, and my mom selecting photos for Naina's fake marriage. We all ran up to them. "I want to get married, and wow this guy looks good" Naina snatched the photo, and it was the same guy, that the inspector showed us.

Naina's Pov
They all agreed that the boy in the picture looked handsome. No he is not. Sameer is the hottest. No one can take his place. I'll just have to play along for a bit. If only they knew what we were planning.

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