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Naina's Pov

I was damn excited that Sameer found his talent in singing. I suddenly hugged him contently. "I can't believe it, you finally are finding something that you enjoy" I praised him. "It's all happening because of you" Sameer kissed my forehead. "We are so happy for you" Munna shouted. Deepika, and Rohan came out of thier rooms. "What happened Sameer, your so excited, any good news?" They asked. "Your brother is going to become a singer" they ran, and shook hands with Sameer. "This is so cool bro, I can imagine you being famous, ruling everyone's hearts with your voice" Rohan imagined.

"But first, we need to teach Sameer how to play the guitar" Pandit suggested.  I agreed with Pandit. "You can become multi-talented, which will add an extra bonus" I high-fived Pandit. "Who will teach me how to play the guitar?" Sameer looked at me specifically. I looked behind, and in front to avoid the situation. Everyone looked at me. "Oh, you mean me, I thought it would be someone else" I pointed towards myself. "No then, who's the best at playing guitar?" Sameer smirked. "Well, atleast you could have said my name" I shrugged my shoulders. I went into the room, and got the guitar out.

Sameer's Pov

Naina showed me what to do, and gave me the guitar. I tried playing it, but it come out as haywire. "I can't do it" I moaned. "Sameer it is your first time, but we will practice together" Naina came behind me, and placed my hand on the guitar. "One hand on the base, and you use your fingers to strum the guitar, to make a melody" Naina explained. We played the guitar for 15 minutes until it was perfect. "Do you still want help, or will you be able to play on your own?" Naina asked. "I think I can play it on my own" Naina came in front of me. I started to strum the guitar very lightly, and closed my eyes. Don't give up Sameer. Try your best. Who knows you might be good enough?

I was thinking about something else, which makes me smile. All the memories came rushing back to me, and I made different tunes to the guitar. The good, and the bad which kept replaying in my mind, made me want to put more passion in to it. Whatever was going through my mind, I matched it according to that. There was so much pain, and happiness at the same time. I was angry at first, and then I began to smile once Naina showed up. I opened my eyes, and finally stopped. Everyone gave me a standing ovation, and clapped proudly for me. "Sameer, there was so much passion into it, that moved me a lot, I could feel it was coming through your memories" Naina complimented me. "Amazing yaar, I've never heard a guitar solo like that, your going to fly by" everyone came to hug me. "Thank you so much for lifting my confidence, and really I appreciate all of you, for being there for me, and sacrificing your work, just to follow my dream, it's a huge honour, that I know you will never give up on me, I just need to give an audition in the recording studio, and let's see where this life will take me" I loved them all so much.

Naina's Pov

I was proud of Sameer very much. We all just needed him to give a push towards his talent. "Wait, Sameer before you give an audition, we need to record your singing through a video camera, and then we will all come along with you to the studio, who knows you might even get to go to Mumbai?" I clapped my hands excitedly. "I didn't even think about that, and then Mumbai is the city of dreams, but I don't want to be seperated from you all?" Sameer became sad. "It dosen't matter about that, if you want we will come to Mumbai with you, how does that sound?" I cheered Sameer up. "Oh my god, really you all would do that for me, I'm so blessed, and then you can do all your work in Mumbai, that's until I get the audition" Sameer was pleased to know.

"Good idea, we don't want to seperate from you, and it will be easier for all of us to communicate" Swathi agreed. "My jiju is going to become a rockstar, I can't wait, you will change the music industry, and everyone will want you to sing in thier films, and you can have an album,have you decided on your autograph?" Swathi said in one breath. Sameer grabbed a paper, and a pen, and started doing his signature. "No, do something different" Munna didn't like it. "How about this one?" Sameer showed us. "Wow, this one is awesome, just like you" we screamed.

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