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Sameer's Pov

"Hey guys why don't we throw a surprise party for Naina?" I suggested. "Wow, this is an excellent idea, she's done so much for us, toh party toh banti hain" Swathi agreed with me. "We have so less time" Preeti panicked. " Don't worry, Shefali will help us, we can do this, but hurry guys we have only 30 minutes before Naina comes" Arjun called Shefali.

The girls went into the kitchen to start making a cake. We started to do the preperations for decorating the house. I just hope this will calm, and surprise Naina. We all were in a rush, because Naina could come beforehand.

Naina's Pov

I was about to enter the building, when a security guard stopped me. "Who are you?" He said in his deep voice. How do I explain who I am, I left my identity card at home. " Let me go, I live here" I tried to push through, but he was strong to hold me back. I came up with an idea. I started walking away from the society, when he told me to stop. " Are you Naina Aggarwal?" He asked. How does he know my name? . Naina let's get to bussiness. I looked at him and walked forward. " No, Tommy uncle you know there are 7 faces in the world that exactly match my face, I could be anyone" I placed my arm around his shoulder.
" What are you talking about?" He bacame scared. "Did you not know about this, I could be anyone, a prisoner, President , or even your grandchild?" I made him look towards the sky. I quickly ran in towards the society, and laughed. "Hey, come back here, you tricked me" he was amazed at how I could fool him so easily. I couldn't run anymore, as I was out of breath. " Tommy Uncle, I'm Naina Aggarwal, I was just joking with you" I gave him a side-hug. " I know, I was playing along with you" he smirked.
"Uncle, will you help me in something?" I asked. " Anything for you, just tell me" he crouched down low. "I want to get in to my room, by using that pipe, and scaring my family as a thief, will you support me?" I demanded. "You will never change,yes I will be with you" Uncle knows me very well.
I put on a black mask, with my eyes and mouth being visible. I put my hood up just to give the a flavour of being a thief. I started to climb up the pipe very slowly.

Sameer's Pov

I entered Naina's room and sat down on the bed. I grabbed a pillow, and hugged it very tightly. I was just lost into my own world. I judged Naina without actually knowing her. There was a clanging noise coming from the balcony. I didn't take much notice of it, until I heard it again.
I grabbed a cricket bat, and headed outside.
"Who's there?" I looked everywhere, but I saw no one. The figure popped out of nowhere, and I  moved back 10 steps away. "Who are you?" I stuttered. "Your worst nightmare" the figure replied back with a manly voice. "Thief, thief, thief" I screamed, and ran back inside to tell Preeti. "Preeti, I saw a thief in your balcony, come with me" I held on to her arm.

Naina's Pov

I was laughing inside when Sameer screamed. Naina, get back into charecter, everyone is coming. I was holding on to the ledge, and jumped inside the balcony. "Who are you?" Everyone was scared. "I've come here to steal" I winked at Preeti, and she got the hint. "How dare you come here, that's it I'm ringing the police?" Preeti added more drama. I pushed through them all, and started searching through the drawers. " Don't let this theif get away, we should lock the door, and take the mask off" Sameer spoke. Munna locked the door. I took my mask off very slowly, and swayed my hair. "Naina, that theif was you?" Sameer pointed at me. Arjun, Preeti and I started laughing hysterically. "You should have seen your faces, poor you I  scared you so much, I'm sorry?" I stopped laughing. Sameer and the others started laughing. "I'm sorry for judging you, I accept your apology?" Sameer looked at me seriously. " Dosti mein no sorry and no thank you" I smiled looking at everyone.
Sameer covered my eyes. "Where are we going?" I was excited.

Sameer's Pov

I was super excited, to see how Naina would react to her surprise party. I took her near to a table. All the lights were off. "Open your eyes very slowly" I whispered in her ear. I told Pandit to open the lights. I took my hands off Naina's eyes. She opened her eyes, and she was gobsmacked on what she saw. "Is this for me?" Naina looked around, and was impressed. " "This is your surprise party we organised for you" Everyone chanted. "Thank you so much, you all are the best" Naina smiled from her heart.

Naina's Pov

I was awestruck on seeing the decorations, and the cake my friends had made for me. I turned on the music, and we all started dancing crazily with no worries in the world. "Who wants to watch a movie?" Arjun decided. "Let's watch Chandini" I suggested. We all sat down, with popcorn, sweets, and cold drinks by our side.
Preeti turned on the T.V. " Wah, Naina tum jo bhi kehthi ho, woh sach ho jata hain, dekh Chandini aari hain" Pandit exclaimed. The movie had started, but I wasn't paying attention. I looked at Sameer, and he was staring at me. I looked down, but I knew Sameer had planned this surprise party for me. I looked towards the movie, and I could feel Sameer's eyes on me. I smiled looking at him, but he just winked at me. What is going on?

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