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Naina's Pov

I just smirked looking at Sameer. Using my tricks against me. I admit he is cute, but why am I feeling like this. It's never happened to me before. I stood up, and went towards the kitchen. I grabbed a glass, and opened the fridge, to take a bottle of mineral water out. I poured it into the glass. As I closed the fridge, I turned around, and spotted Sameer in front of me. "What are you doing here?" I placed my hand on my stomach. " I can ask you the same thing" Sameer wanted an answer. "Oh, so Mr.Sameer wants an answer, isn't obvious what I'm doing" I took a sip of the cool, refreshing water, as I was not used to drinking the water here.
"Tell me, why are you here?" I asked him this time as I gave my answer before. "To check up on you" he replied. "Na, I don't believe you, I'm sure there is another reason" I came closer to him. Sameer took the glass from my hand. He started to drink the water the same place where I had kept my lips. As I moved even closer, he stepped back very slowly. "Do I make you nervous?" I spoke in a seductive voice. " I don't know what your saying" he stuttered.
"Do you feel that tingling sensation when I come closer to you?" Sameer bumped into the wall. I placed my both hands against Sameer, so that he was trapped. "What happened to the flirty Sammeer who was winking at me?" I blew cool air near his neck to know how he would react.

Sameer's Pov

I just didn't know what was happening to me. First I was standing in front of Naina, but she trapped me against the wall. She was right, I just didn't come to check up on her, but I wanted to talk to her about this new feeling ever since I saw her. I don't know, how I winked at her. Ever since she came into my life, a new me was growing seeing Naina's confidence. I tried to get out of her grip, but I couldn't since, she came to each side, once I tried to move.

Naina's Pov

Sameer looked deeply into my eyes, but he didn't realise on what I was about to do. I took my hand, and placed it on his red, succulent lips. I rubbed against his lips, until I felt a drop of water which was dangling. I looked at him, and I knew he was feeling content. His eyes were shut in pleasure. "Sameer" I whispered against his ear. He opened his eyes to see what I was doing. I placed my finger on top of my lips, which made me lick the water droplet with my tongue. He was amazed on what I did. I stepped away from him, which left him in confusion. "Next time, it will be something else, which is beyond your dreams" I smirked, winked, and left the kitchen leaving Sameer in a frenzy.

That was just a trailer, on what I can do. I quickly sat down next to Preeti. "Preeti, shall we tell them all about the outing?" I shook her lightly. "Oh, yes I totally forgot about it" she shouted so that everyone would look at her.

Sameer's Pov

I heard Preeti shouting about something, as I entered the living room. "Listen guys, we have some exciting news for you" Arjun confessed. " "What is it?" everyone asked. "We all are going for an outing to explore Ahmedabad, and we were just wondering if you wanted to come with us tommorow" Naina suggested. " Why would we not come?" Munna shouted. "We are coming, I'm not missing this opportunity it's a once in a lifetime." Pandit hugged Preeti.
"Who's going to drive us there?" I interuppted. Everyone looked at Naina. Naina laughed. "Obviously, I'm the only one who can drive here" Naina cheered. " Don't worry guys we are all going to fit in one car, as I have an 8-seater, I'll be picking you up from your houses tommorow at 8am, so be ready, if we all don't fit then Pandit and Munna can bring thier bikes" Naina confirmed.

Naina's Pov

It was 9pm and I was feeling sleepy. "We should sleep early, so that we are totally fresh in the morning" I yawned. " Naina is right, and you all need to pack your belongings" Arjun agreed with me. "Goodnight everyone" I waved, and changed into my pyjamas. I closed the curtains, and dozed off right then and there. I felt Preeti snuggle up to me, and I kissed her on her forehead.

Sameer's Pov
As soon as I reached home, I quickly locked the door to my room. I was blushing at what Naina had said. No Sameer, I need to make Naina like me as well. It can't be just one-sided.
I opened the wardrobe, and got out a rucksack. I just dumped whatever I needed for the trip. I zipped it up, and placed it on top of the desk. I leaped into the bed, and closed my eyes with a huge smile on my face.

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