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Chapter- 46- Naina's Pov
One week later

I woke up with a refreshed mind. I clearly remember everything now. Last week was so hard for Sameer, Munna, and Pandit. I have to admit, they were so patient with us. I got ready, and headed towards the kitchen. I entered, and saw Preeti, and Swathi. I ran, and hugged my best friends. "Do you have your memories back?" I asked them. "We remember everything now" they were excited as I was.

"We stayed away from our loves for a week, it must have been so hard for them" Preeti was upset. I realised what I did to Sameer by rejecting him last week. "Preeti your right, we shouldn't have done that to them" I was about to cry. "Please don't cry, you know it wasn't our fault what happened two weeks ago, let bygones be bygones, let's start afresh, and surprise them with thier favourite food" Swathi was right.

We were normal as if nothing happened. "Guys, we should do something for them, since they saved us heroically" I suggested. "But what?" Preeti was confused. " What if we write love letters, and then decorate this house, so that we can go on a date?" Swathi clicked her fingers. "It's a very good idea, right now they are all outside, and we have enough time to do everything" we high- fived each other.

After breakfast, we started to write our love letters for our boyfriends. I was so shy in writing it, but I finshed it somehow. "Naina are you done?" Preeti and Swathi asked. "I'm finshed, and we all sprayed our favourite perfumes on them.

Preeti's Pov

"Now for decorations, so what colour should it be" I asked. "Since its love we should do red, and white" Naina, and Swathi said. We got out all the decorations, and decided what we would use. " Red and white heart shape balloons, red candles, white fairy lights, and a round table, which will have our love letters on, and music" we took out everything we needed.

We started to put up the decorations carefully. Naina did the round table. She put the red candles in the centre. Our letters were around the table, with a rose next to it. Naina decorated the table with rose petals. Swathi chose the music, and it was right for the situation. Once they had finshed thier jobs, they came to blow up the balloons. We enjoyed doing this. "Wow guys we are so creative, we should make a cake" we all agreed to Naina's idea.

Swathi's Pov

We decided to make a chocolate cake, since the boys loved it a lot. We placed it in to the oven for 35 minutes. "I want that cake now" the aroma was filling the air, and making Naina's tastebuds water. We took it out, and to ice the cake. "Let's write We love you Sameer, Munna, and Pandit" I wrote it down on the cake. We left it to cool down. "Decorations, food, love letters, and music is done, but we need to get changed" we all ran into one room.

Naina's Pov
We all wore red dresses, with heels, and made our hair curly. We did our own make-up. Once that was done we looked at each other. "Wow we look hot" we spoke at the same time, and laughed. We went out of the room, just to make sure nothing was missing. We placed the cake on the table, and started to play the music. "Now we just need to wait for them, and hide" I suggested.

Sameer's Pov

We had just gotten back from the beaurea. I got off my bike. "When will they remember us, I miss them so much" Munna grunted.  We miss them too" we gave a hug to each other. We walked inside the house, and we were shocked to see the house decorated so beautifully. "Wow, this is so amazing" we all looked around . There's something on the table" we all ran to it. We picked up the letters, and started to read.

Naina's Pov

" Surprise" we all jumped up from under the table. They all stepped back. "Did you read our love letters?" Preeti winked. They were all blushing. "Look, thier cheeks are turning red" I pointed. We all went up to them, and hugged them tightly. "We remember everything now, and we are sorry for rejecting you all last week, it must have pained you to see us like that, so we thought we should suprise you, since you saved us heroically" we took the rose, and handed it to them. They accepted our apology. " Lets go, we are having a date at home" Swathi reminded us all.

Sameer's Pov

A date at home, no wonder the house was looking gorgeous. They each took our hands, and brought us closer to the cake. "You made our favourite choclate cake, and it says we love you Sameer, Munna, and Pandit" Munna was so happy. We cut the cake, and feeded it to each other. "It's so good" I moaned. Naina went to the music player, and pressed play. The girls started dancing, and we joined them.

Naina's Pov

We were dancing together just like a prince, and a princess. Sameer grabbed me by my waist, and bought me closer to him. I looked at him passionately, with my eyes expanding. He twirled me around slowly, but I couldn't stop staring at him. "You made me wait for you, but I must say you look hot" Sameer bit his lip. I looked down, only to look back at him. " Sameer, what are you doing to me?" I asked weakly affected by his voice.  He leant closer, and kissed my neck with so much passion. Neck kisses are a girls weakness. I closed my eyes in pleasure. His lips were so soft. I opened my eyes, and went to join my friends outside.

Sameer's Pov

I followed Naina outside. She was helping Preeti, and Swathi serving the food . I sat down with the boys. "We all made your favourite food, and tell us if you loved it" Swathi placed the dish on the table. The  girls sat down next to us. We all fed each other. "Girls, you won our hearts today, this is the best date we have been on" Pandit was impressed.

Naina's Pov

I'm still blushing after what Sameer did. I felt a drop of rain touching my hand. "It's going to rain" the girls stood up, and the boys wanted to go under shelter. "Preeti, Swathi let's have fun in the rain" I held thier hands, and we got wet in the rain. It was so romantic, getting drenched from the heavens above. "Your going to become ill" the boys shouted. "How unromantic you all are" we came to them, and dragged them over. "Now this is a perfect ending to the date" we all screamed and played  with each other in the rain.

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