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this story will take part in alyssa's point of view throughout.


"Quit while you still have the chance to explore other careers."

"You're not cut out and never will be. I don't make the rules, little lady."

"You're just going to fizzle out like every other woman who thinks she can just drive a race car."

I've heard it all.

Formula 1 - it's the pinnacle of motorsport. Everyone who's ever felt the thrill when driving a kart has probably wondered what it would feel like to race some of the fastest and sophisticatedly engineered cars in the world. The sport hasn't seen a woman in a seat since Lella Lombardi in 1976. I shouldn't have had to take the route I did to make it to where we are forty-four years later. I stand before the crowds and teams as the most recent woman to have a seat, and they don't even know it. At first, I was unsure about keeping my identity hidden. A part of me felt like I was cheating the sponsors, cheating the viewers, and even cheating myself.

"That's fine talent right there."

"You're going to be one of the greats, I can tell."

"Man, it's good to see young lads still taking an interest in motorsport."

People's opinions seem to quickly change as soon as I registered under 'AAA'. Immediately, I attracted attention, the most notable being Force India. They spotted me practicing under the fake persona at the closest circuit to my dad's house (which happened to be Silverstone). I couldn't keep it from them that I wasn't who they thought I was, but they didn't seem to care as long as there was a benefit for them. Whatever their intentions, I'll forever be grateful for them putting my name (well, nickname 'A') forward to ART Grand Prix who signed me at just sixteen years of age.

For two years, I dominated over my teammate, missing out on the championship during my first year by a single point to Nick de Vries. I finally managed to take the crown at the final race of my second season despite having my schedule rammed with the responsibility of filling in for Sergio Perez on two occasions (missing one race). For my first year, I told no-one of my identity - not even my teammate at the time, Jack Aitken; I was so scared of the secret coming out. The only reason I revealed my identity to some drivers during my second year was because I hated wearing my helmet in the cool-down room. I only ever told the drivers who had to share a podium with me. As long as they signed the contract provided by my long term best friend and manager, Kudzai, they could know. The numbers remained limited even as I received the promotion into F1.

I had considered removing my helmet after I had won the F2 championship, however I knew that I still had a lot of fight to give. The media would be harsh and critical. I needed to prove I could perform well in the highest league - Formula One. Between Robert Fernley, Otmar Szafnauer, Kudzai Bandera, and I, we came up with the agreement that I'd take off my helmet after winning my first F1 race.

Only some of my family knew about my career whereas the majority of those I worked closely with had signed the contract. A select few of my friends knew who I was, too. Marcus Haywood was one of my best friends and the one who suggested the hidden identity idea to me. He rides in the MotoGP series for Ducati. Damien Myung, too, knew of my identity as he was also one of my best friends and doubled as the man in charge of A's social media accounts. To those who didn't know 'A' personally, I was just his junior strategist helping the pink team on their road to redemption.

The mystery surrounding my identity also helped bring in a whole variety of sponsorships. People seemed intrigued by this young driver who was able to dominate the field and not one person suspected that the one doing it all was a girl. The Force India car was littered with logos because of this. Everyone wanted their name attached to the up-and-coming new talent and to be there the moment that they finally revealed their identity... oh, how I would love to see their faces when they realise that it's me.

Now, as I near the age of nineteen, I am ready. I am ready to prove to those sexist idiots that a woman can do it. I am ready to put everyone who ever doubted my ability to shame and prove that I do belong in a race car. Never again will I be told that I can't do something I want to because of my gender.

This season, the 2020 season, will be Sahara Force India's time - my time. Watch out for me when it's lights out.


as stated, this story is set in 2020. obviously the driver lineups don't align as i started this story all the way back at the beginning of 2018. some things will be kept in line with reality however the majority will be altered to suit the story.

also, there are a couple of relationships with drivers as this was initially intended as a fan fic but i got too involved with the mc and her career.

disclaimer: the portrayal of real life people in this book is not an accurate representation. some scenarios are made up and do not reflect the real person's morals, views, and attitudes.


mature content later on - warnings given.

let me know how you found this book! or if you're a re-reader. i'd love to know <3

happy reading! x

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