Chapter 44

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I woke up to the sun streaming through the crack in the curtains, the slice of light falling directly on my eyes. Quickly shutting my eyes again, I rolled over and put my arm out to feel for Max's body. It wasn't there. It took me a few moments of confusion until the events of yesterday came rushing back - Max knows I'm 'A'. My hand went to my mouth as I held back a sob, wanting nothing more than his arms to wrap around me and comfort me until I feel better. But that won't happen; I betrayed his trust.

Rather reluctantly, I sat up in bed, holding the covers against my body for warmth. I had forgot to turn the air conditioning off last night since Max was usually the one to do it. My feet slowly touched the floor and I ran a hand through my messy hair. Out of the corner of my  eye, I saw my phone screen light up. I hastily reached and picked it up, hoping to see some sort of text from Max. I scoffed at myself when I felt disappointed at it being an Instagram notification - of course he wasn't going to text. It was stupid of me to even think that.

I did have a text, however, from Victoria which was sent at 8:42 (two hours ago).

'Hey girl, I literally checked my phone for the first time since lunch yesterday. Sorry I didn't answer your call, I hope it wasn't too important! Congrats on the race, I was watching it at work and I'm amazed at how you climbed up the field. Hopefully my brother wasn't too pissed of at 'A' ;). I'll be there for the British GP next weekend, I arrive on Wednesday which means we can celebrate Dan's birthday. Call me when you wake up, I have so much to tell you!
- Vic 😙❤️'

My eyes began to water but I hastily wiped them away. So that my face didn't give away any emotion, I decided to just voice call Vic. Obviously Max hasn't told her anything or else I would've expected about fifty missed calls from her.

As the dial tone rang, I absentmindedly began to walk into the living room. By the time she picked up, I was already curled up on the couch.

"Hey!" Vic cheered. "I take it you got my text?"

"Yeah, I did." My voice felt weak but hopefully she wouldn't pick up on that. "How's your new job going?"

"First, I want to know what that phone call was about."

I let out a deep sigh. Victoria was known to be quite stubborn like her brother, so she wouldn't be dropping this anytime soon. "Honestly, it's be easier for you to tell me about your new job. I'll explain after."

The line was quiet for a few moments before Vic finally spoke. "Fine." Her voice then suddenly changed and she sounded so excited. "It was some of the best days of my life! Everyone is super friendly and I actually enjoy what I'm doing. My boss is pretty chill and buys everyone coffee if we have an early start. And you'll never believe who I met!"

"Who?" I asked, rather intrigued.

"Only Zendaya!" She exclaimed.

"Oh my gosh! How? Why? You're so lucky." I tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible. Under any other circumstance where I wasn't feeling sorry for myself, I would've been jumping up and down on the sofa cheering.

"She had a shoot with Dior and I was asked to help choose her outfits and arrange the shots." Vic explained. I could hear her smiling through the phone. "I wish I could've had you there with me. Maybe when you finally tell everyone you're 'A' then you'll be able to do shoots for Dior." My heart felt like it had been tightly squeezed. "So that was my past few days. Now tell me why you called yesterday."

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