Chapter 32

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Barely posted the last chapter on time so have this an hour early!

"Is all this really necessary?" I ask, glancing at the large duffel bag Victoria brought with her which was full of different outfits and makeup.

"Don't question it." Vic waved her hand dismissively towards the bedroom door. "Whilst I get everything out, choose your outfit."

"Ooh!" Noèmie excitedly squealed, practically running into the bedroom before I even had a chance to reach the door. I couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm - I wish I could feel that excited right now. She flicked through the clothes that I had unpacked and hung up earlier, tutting at the items she didn't find suitable. As I was staying in Monaco for another week, Max thought it'd be easier if I hung my clothes up rather than living out of my suitcase. He never used the wardrobe anyway since he tended to fold most I his clothes instead since it was easier.

"Anything that you actually like?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I like it all, but not a lot of it is suitable for where you're going." She sighed. "The restaurant is quite formal."

"Didn't I pack a dress?"

"Only casual ones..." Noèmie continued to flick back and forth through the various items before stopping suddenly. "No, wait - I've found something!" She pulled out the black dress I had worn for the driver's event in Barcelona. It had a structured bodice and a slit up the right leg, being elegant yet not overly showy.

"I wore that dress when I first met Max." I smiled. It definitely had to be one of my favourite dresses ever and I didn't even realise I had packed it. I was in such a rush whilst packing that I must've just absentmindedly threw it into my suitcase. Max was the one who hung everything up for me whilst I attempted to make us dinner so I genuinely didn't know I had it here.

"Sentimental value - always a winner." Noèmie lay the dress down onto the bed. "What shoes do you have?"

"They're all on the rack." I pointed at the small metal frame that sat at the bottom of the wardrobe. Surprisingly, I didn't bring that many shoes with me considering they size of my collection at home. Out of the two pairs of heels, Noèmie picked out my Christian Louboutins. God, did they cost me an arm and a leg but they were by far my favourite pair of shoes I owned.

"Look at you, Louboutins. I'll trade you Lance for these shoes." Noèmie joked, however with a serious undertone. I couldn't help but laugh as she closely inspected the shoes, sighing in envy before pacing them down on the floor. "It's my birthday soon, you know. Nudge nudge, wink wink."

"I didn't think your birthday was until January."

"Well, I'm giving you time to save up." She laughed.

I was about to reply but Victoria's loud voice interrupted. "Hurry up! I need to put Alyssa's face on!" We left the bedroom to find that Vic has sprawled all of her makeup out in front of the large full-body mirror in order of what goes on the face first. "What is she wearing?" She asked Noèmie.

"The dress she wore when she met Max." Upon hearing this, Vic nodded approvingly.

"That's the black one, isn't it?" She asked and I nodded in reply. "Perfect! Now sit down and let me fix you."


It took an hour to finish my hair and makeup, and then another hour to do Victoria's. To be fair, we did have a great playlist blasting through Max's speaker system which played a role in distracting us. Noèmie also had to leave about halfway through doing Vic's makeup because she was meeting Lance at his yacht, but not before choosing out a white lace dress for Victoria to wear.

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