Chapter 80

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My flight was leaving around midday for Russia so I needed to be up early to ensure that everything was packed and ready for the weekend ahead. I was emotionally and physically drained from the events of last night. No amount of alcohol would've made me forget my intense burst of an argument with Lando, or the several kisses I shared with Charles. It was certainly a wild one, and I definitely need to confront both men at some point.

Lando came back for his stuff so early in the morning that the only person awake was Marcus. I was in too deep of a sleep to even realise that he was shuffling around my room for his belongings until I woke up and Marcus told me what happened. It hurt to know that Lando didn't want to speak with me yet. I just wanted to resolve whatever issue we had as soon as possible because I would hate for us to go back to not talking.

As for Charles, the next opportunity I'll have to properly talk to him about what happened at the party won't be until the race weekend. It'll be a task to get enough time to speak about the kiss before then which is rather annoying. I don't know how I'll act if I lose Charles as well as Lando.

And Max... what would he think? Do I even need to tell him that I kissed Charles? If anyone else were to tell him without context, it could ruin any possible chance of us getting back together. Charles was the one person Max told me not to do anything with for some reason, so it'll probably be best to keep my mouth shut. All I know is that the Christmas break needs to hurry up and get here before I lose my mind.

The flight, although short, felt like an eternity. I had learned on the journey to the airport that Lando changed his flight time just to avoid speaking to me which, I admit, hurt a little. We touched down in Russia just after one o'clock which left me alone to my own devices after a meeting with Toto Wolff at two. I was tempted to try and find Lando in the hours I have spare afterwards but I doubt he wants to speak to me right now. I'll have to let the situation cool down a little to reduce the chances of it going pear-shaped. There's a small window that I know for certain he has free tomorrow so I'll try and catch him then. The last thing I want is for my race weekend to be compromised because of any distraction (such as this falling out).

Toto only called me for a meeting to further discuss my progress. I told him about all of the work I was putting into my fitness and mental strength on the sidelines, as well as my process for preparing for every race. I didn't want to sound as if I was bragging when I emphasised my abilities, but they are nothing I should be ashamed about. I have a lot to prove and I won't get to where I want to be without feeling confident in my ability. The situation with the cut on my back of my head was brought up and, after a few moments of concern for me, Toto seemed to find it amusing. I couldn't help but laugh along looking back on it but I had assured him that I was fighting fit for the race this weekend.

I planned on spending the evening by myself in my hotel room. It's rare that I'm able to get enough time to actually relax, especially leading up to a race weekend. Whilst everyone's doing press work tomorrow, I'll be doing Lizzie's extreme exercise plan so I'm going to make the most of this time.

The first thing on my list of a relaxing evening was a bath. As the hot water ran, I stripped down and threw on a soft bath robe before sitting on my large bed. The bath was nearly done when there was a short knock on my hotel room door. I quickly dashed to the door, hoping that I would be able to run back and shut the water off before the bath became to full.

"Charles!" I said in surprise when I swung the door open. I didn't know who I was expecting to see, but I know it wasn't him. "Everything alright?" I subconsciously wrapped my robe tighter around my body, feeling fully aware that I was naked underneath it.

"Can we talk?" He asked, sounding hopeful. He was nervously playing with the hem of his shorts and only briefly mad eye contact with me.

"Yeah, of course. Come in." I left the door open as I hurried back into the bathroom and turned off the tap. I also slipped on some underwear in case of a accidental slip up. "Sorry." I smiled apologetically as I rushed back into the living room, finding Charles awkwardly sat on the arm of the chair.

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