Chapter 93

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Updating today because I'm super busy tomorrow, hope you don't mind! Also, there's some French later on that is almost certainly not right so I'm counting on you guys to dm me the correct grammar aha thank youuuuuu x

After the race, I changed out of my suit and into more inconspicuous clothing so that I could watch the podium celebration with the team. Emanuel greeted me with a pat on the shoulder and a smile, as well as a small 'well done' for my performance in the race. I was still buzzing with adrenaline as I stood by his side and watched as the final stage preparations were made for the ceremony.

"He's got the ring." Emanuel ducked close to my ear to say this so that I'd be able to hear him over the crowds. There was no hiding the grin on my face. Kudzai was still clueless about Esteban's plans to propose on the podium and didn't even question it when he asked her to go to the cool-down room with him. All she has to do is say yes to him and my mood will be instantly lifted. "It's a beautiful one, at that."

"Gosh, I hope I don't cry," I replied, chuckling slightly. "My emotions always run high after a race."

Emanuel gestured to the pocket of his jeans where a small packet of tissues was stuffed. I couldn't help but laugh at how prepared he was. "I already know that I'm going to cry and he's not even my driver! Imagine what I'm going to be like for your proposal."

I almost choked on the air and had to look up at Emanuel to see that he was being serious. "That's not happening for a while."

"Well, it better happen in my lifetime."

"I haven't even got anyone to propose to, or have propose to me." I was still slightly shocked and it had definitely managed to stop me from bobbing on the spot. A proposal was so far out of sight for me that I question if I'm ever going to get one. It seems as if I have the ability to fuck up my relationships quicker than what my car can go in eighth gear.

"Max will forgive you in time. This break will be good in the long run. You've just got to- oh!" Emanuel put a hand on my shoulder and frantically shushed me. "The ceremony's starting!"

Sebastian Vettel's name was called out first since he finished in third position. His face looked pretty happy with the result, however I have an inclination that he knows about Esteban's plan. Seb was biting on his bottom lip and looking to the side where he had emerged from. His face was amplified on the big screens so I could see he had an expression of excitement.

Next was Lewis who was able to conceal his emotion better than the German driver. There was still a wide smile as he waved to the 'greatest fans in the world' but he stood on the podium much quicker than usual. I guess he didn't want the attention to be on him for too long as next up was Esteban.

The polite clap that I had given the past two drivers was weak in comparison to the collective cheer that the entirety of Force India made. Esteban has given us the first win of the season and I was incredibly proud of him. Sure, there's always going to be a part of me that wanted to win instead, but I can't take away from the fact that he deserves this wholeheartedly. From a friend's perspective, I was elated. I had never seen my teammate look so happy since he found out that Kudzai was pregnant.

I watched on proud during the national anthems and then for the presentation of the trophies. The design this year was very modern and slick, quite similar to the one from last year but with a few extra twisted parts. The announcer was about to call the end of the ceremony but Esteban stepped down off his podium and interrupted him. He gestured for someone to hand him a mic before beckoning Kudzai on stage.

"Before I get all sticky with champagne, I want to draw everyone's attention to my beautiful girlfriend who is carrying my child." Kudzai's eyes were wide as she hesitantly looked over the large crowd of people that had formed. Esteban quickly took her hands in his in what I assumed to be an attempt to ease her nerves.

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