Chapter 51

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"Hey, Archer!"

I sighed deeply, turning on my heel to face the grinning Aussie. I knew exactly what Daniel wanted - he had managed to gain at least ten places during the race which means that I'm going to have to hold up to my end of the deal. My face was plagued with a frown from the result of the race, my undeserved penalty looming over my glum mood. I had changed out of my gear almost immediately after the race and was making my way to the Force India building, that was until Daniel stopped me.

"Can I help you?" I asked, hoping he had forgotten about the deal and I could go home in peace.

"Yes, I believe you can." A sly grin crept up into his face. I let out an involuntary groan as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and began to walk with me. I tried to ignore the cameras that had decided to focus in on Daniel, shielding my eyes with my hand to avoid public exposure. Daniel quickly pulled his cap off his head and placed it onto mine before continuing. "So you remember our little deal? The one where if I could gain ten places by the checkered flag you'd finally talk to Max?"

I shrugged, an innocent look on my face. "No, sorry, must've slipped my mind."

"Aww, c'mon Lys!" Daniel lead me into the Red Bull centre since it was closer than Force India's. When we were in the safety of the indoors away from all of the cameras, we finally stopped walking. He removed his arm from my shoulder so that he could look at me better. "I know you remember. The fact that you looked so pissed when you saw me gives it away."

"Did you not hear about the penalty 'A' received?" I would've thought that the team would've been keeping Daniel informed on the situation since I was behind him for a large portion of the race. Similarly with Max.

"What, from the beginning of the race?"

"Yeah, that one. 'A' wasn't even at fault which is why I'm pissed." I folded my arms across my chest and huffed. "We could have had two podiums today if it wasn't for the stupid FIA."

"That penalty didn't lose 'A' too much; they still finished ahead of Max." Daniel pointed out.

"But it wasn't deserved!"

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist. "It doesn't matter now. The race is over." Daniel then began to pull me through to the back of building. He didn't give me time to process before he pushed me into a room and closed the door. This was followed by a loud 'click' which indicated he had locked it. What was he playing at? "You're not allowed out until you've made up, I'm sick of the arguing. I'll be back in about twenty minutes after I've celebrated with Mila." The cheeky tone in his voice revealed his intentions.

"Sure you can last that long?" I remarked, refusing to look into the room because I could sense his presence. "Daniel, this isn't funny. I have a meeting." I didn't, but I didn't want to have a conversation right now.

"I checked with Esteban and no you don't. I can't help that I'm such a good driver. See you later!" His voice gradually got quieter as he walked away from the door. I put my fists against the wooden surface and sighed.

"Alyssa?" His voice cut through the silence like a knife. I know I had promised to speak with him eventually but I wasn't ready at this moment - Daniel didn't give me enough time to prepare a speech to give Max. When I didn't make any motion to show I had acknowledged him, Max continued, his voice soft. "Please just look at me. Say something."

I turned on the spot, purposely not looking in his direction. He was sat on a small couch in the corner, we were separated by a coffee table. My eyes scanned the walls and I scoffed. "No windows?" There's go my plan of escape. Even though I had some bobby pins in my pocket, I wasn't going to act like I knew how to pick the door lock.

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