Chapter 75

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Race Day.

Starting from the back of the pack is never easy, especially when your sharing a row with Daniel Ricciardo. Before we were required to get into our cars, I had walked down to the front of the grid where I should be starting. Esteban had suggested that I come wait with him until the national anthem to show that we were still getting along well after the altercation in Hungary.

"I love having you around at the start of the race because it stops journalists talking to me." Esteban was speaking louder than usual because of the general noise of the pit lane. He was also particularly close to my helmet just to help me hear him more clearly. Luckily the umbrellas strategically placed around us to block out the sun allowed me to have my visor up comfortably.

"Is that the only reason I'm here?" I joked, leaning against a trolley full of different mechanical parts.

"Of course not!" Esteban laughed and shook his head. "You also bring more umbrellas than what I would usually have."

"Well then," I folded my arms in mock offence. "The only reason I'm here is because it's closer to Max."

"That wouldn't surprise me." His eyes not so subtly drifted to the Dutch boy opposite who was currently giving an interview to Ziggo Sport. I noticed he would glance at us every so often before turning away.

Taking a deep breathe, I turned my body so that I wouldn't be tempted to even look or think about Max. I could then see how crowded the pitlane was on this hot Sunday lunchtime. The sun was beating down full pelt, however there were thick dark clouds in the far distance.

"I hope it rains." I absentmindedly said, eyes fixated on the clouds rolling slowly closer. It'll probably it us, if at all, around the halfway point of the race, maybe before. It's hard to predict.

"I don't. I know Verstappen likes it when it does."

"You're good in the rain." I reassured. "As long as you keep the pressure on him, you'll be fine."

"You would know all about keeping pressure on him, wouldn't you?" Esteban wore a teasing smile. When I made a move as if I were going to punch his shoulder, he quickly put his hands up. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Toto is watching." My head snapped in the direction that Esteban was looking and sure enough there was Toto, leaning against the fence. He was staring in our direction, a thoughtful look on his face. When he saw that we had noticed him looking, he gave a thumbs up.

"I hope he gives me the seat." I said, nodding my head at Toto in acknowledgment so it didn't look like I was ignoring him.

"I hope so, too, Lys." Esteban patted my shoulder. "He'll be a fool to drop you."

"There's only seven races after this one and I wish they'd go by quickly."

"Eager to get rid of me as your teammate?" He joked.

"Oh yeah, can't stand you." I sarcastically replied, laughing along. "No, but seriously, I will miss you next year. I'll actually be allowed to kick your ass."

"Oh, you probably will in a Merc."

"Maybe in 2022 you can come to Mercedes? If I'm in the team, it'd be nice to be your teammate again."

"It's weird to think that I'll have a son or daughter at that point." Estaben leaned against the trolley with me. "Gosh, I hope I don't fuck up with my kid."

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