Chapter 65

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A tickling on my neck woke me up the next morning. I slowly peeled my eyes open, squinting at the sunlight streaming through a crack in the curtains. My hands instinctively went to my neck where they felt Max's head. He was gently sucking and nipping at my neck, his light stubble scratching the skin around, what I'm sure to be, lilac bruises.

"Max..." I moaned out, shifting so that his lips moved to mine. Thankfully it was a closed kiss as I'm sure I would have morning breathe. His hands dropped down my bare body to my hips where they traced small shapes. Goosebumps rose all across my body at the contact in addition to the sudden realisation that we were naked without a blanket. Anyone could walk in right now and see us, although they probably would know better since we aren't always the quietest.

"You were taking too long to wake up." His voice was hoarse and low like it usually is in the mornings. Despite how many times I had heard it before, it still makes my heart flutter knowing I'm lucky enough to wake up next to him every day.

I lazily smiled. "Sorry, you tired me out last night."

Max pressed another kiss to my lips. "Good."

"What time actually is it?"

"Uhh..." Max reached over me to grab my phone since it was closer than his. "Almost ten." I sighed in contentment - at least I was able to have a lie-in. "Why have you got so many texts?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and took my phone out of his hand. Usually, I would see my lock screen of Max and I from my birthday in Bahrain however it was hidden by a wall of notifications, the majority of which came from Robert. I quickly opened my phone and read through them, immediately fearing the worst.

'I know you're on your holiday but there's been some big things happening at HQ

'I've spoken to Stroll. He's still on the fence.

'Call me when you can, kid.

"I'm just going to make a phone-call real quick." I stood up from the bed and slipped on Max's shirt before moving onto the balcony for some privacy. I know I said I didn't want to talk about work for the duration of the holiday but this seemed urgent. The phone dialled as I tapped my foot impatiently on the tiled floor, waiting for Robert to pick up.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey, it's me. You said that I should call you as soon as I could?" A strand of loose hair that had fallen from my bun last night brushed against my face in the light breeze.

"Oh, yeah." His voice gave away that the news wasn't good. I pulled the strand of loose hair between my fingers and began to twirl it to try and stop myself from shaking with nerves. "I tried to reason with him, kid, but he's got a strong head. Once he has an idea, he's set on it."

"So I don't have a seat?" My throat suddenly felt dry and my knees almost gave out from under me. No, no, no. This can't be true.

"Not unless you cut ties." I knew from that that he meant that I'd have to break up with Max.

I took a deep breathe and tried to steady my breathing. My gaze shifted indoors to see Max laying on the bed with his phone in hand. It was at that moment that I felt like my heart was being tugged in two directions. "How long have I got to decide?"

"Lawrence wants an answer by next week."

"Shit." I blinked a couple of times and looked upwards to stop the tears from falling. I can't lose Max, but at the same time I can't lose my job.

"I've tried everything, kid. I'm really sorry."

"It's not your fault," I reassured, not wanting him to feel guilty. He's done more for me in the past few years than most people had done for me in my lifetime. "I'll figure something out."

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