Chapter 34

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I spotted Max immediately as I approached the Red Bull building. He was leaning casually against the glass window, his eyes fixed to his phone screen. I had just given Kudzai my statement which she'll then pass on to the press. It was pretty much just me being grateful for the team so that when I complained about not being able to stay ahead, I didn't seem like so much of a sore loser. The only person I blamed was myself though, unlike other drivers who will point the finger at anyone but.

"Hey." I smiled. Max looked up and shut off his phone rather quickly, stuffing it into his back pocket.

"Hey schatje." He leant down and kissed my cheek. "Congratulations on the double podium."

"Thanks. Force India are now only one point behind Red Bull."

"I'm going to have to step up my game." Max joked. "Can't have you guys thinking you're better than us."

"Well it's Austria next, I don't doubt you'll do well there." I reassured, being the supportive girlfriend that I am. Internally, however, I was hoping that he doesn't do well for Force India's sake. It was rather conflicting since I want him to do well, but I want to do better. The struggles are real.

"Hopefully I won't crash. The team might not renew my contract otherwise." I couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious. I knew that at the end of this season his contract ended, but I expected him to stay at Red Bull. I don't see why they wouldn't keep him, he's an excellent driver - one of the best. They'd be stupid to let him go. "I bet your are hoping for a crash from either Dan or I."

"I would never wish for you to crash," I placed a hand on his shoulder. "But I wouldn't be complaining if your engine gave up. That's a lot less dangerous." I joked, a wide smile spreading across my face at his look of mock offence.

"Wow, my girlfriend is the most caring in the world." He rolled his eyes. He tried to act like he was offended by my comment but his little smile gave it away. My heart had a wave of warmth every time he referred to me as his girlfriend. We're in public with a couple of people lurking around and he didn't even try and hide it. "Why're you smiling?"

I looked up at him and shook my head, strands of hair falling in front of my face which he quickly brushed behind my ear. "Its nothing, I just like how you're calling me your girlfriend in public."

"Well you are," He said, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers, "and people should know that you are mine and I am yours."

"That's so cliché." I chuckled. "You make it sound like we're in a movie."

"Ooh!" He exclaimed suddenly. "That reminds me - I've planned a movie marathon for tonight. I know how much you love Jurassic Park so whilst you were working, I found a shop that sold all five and bought them. We can watch them during dinner, which is also your favourite, Chinese, and then throughout the rest of the week if we decide to do other things as well tonight."

"You could've done what you wanted, Max."

"I also wanted to do these things, but saying I did them for you makes me look like a better boyfriend when I'm telling people what we're doing tonight." Max laughed. "Christian said that he was happy I was maturing and taking other people's needs into consideration."

"Wow. Hopefully you didn't tell him everything we were doing tonight."

"I may have left out some details I wanted to keep private." He smirked. Max's hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. He pressed his lips softly against mine whilst mine fingers played with their hair. It wasn't an overly steamy kiss, just something normal partners do, but it was enough to attract the attention of a certain Aussie and his mates.

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