Chapter 68

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The fire crackled, the only source of light which illuminated our faces in its orange glow. The heat contrasted the unusual chill in the air and offered warmth in addition to Max's embrace. His head rested on top of mine whilst his arms wrapped around my shoulders. Everyone else had already gone either inside or to bed, leaving us two alone on the final night in Portugal.

The holiday had been, for the most part, a fun experience that distracted me momentarily from my problems. However, I knew that I need to be making a difficult decision: Max, or a seat for the rest of the season? I gave it as much thought as I possibly could with five other girls keeping me company for a large portion of the holiday and talking about anything that came to mind. The guys had also been a great distraction, although Charles was still acting distant after our run together. Hopefully when all of the stress has gone away, I'll be able to eat more. I already know that Liz is going to hit me with her shoe when she notices how much weight I've lost, and then also hit me again when I inevitability try and hide it behind a lie.

I involuntarily sighed, alerting Max to the fact that something was wrong. "Something troubling you, schatje?"

"I-" There's no point lying, Lys, you'll have to tell him sooner or later. "I've got a bit of a dilemma."

"It shouldn't be that much of a dilemma." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion; how did he know what was wrong?

"How can you say that when you don't even know what my dilemma is?"

Max removed his arm from my shoulder so that he could turn and face me. It looked like he was tugging on the inside of his lip with his teeth from, what I can only assume to be, nerves. "Now, I don't want you getting mad at Charles-"

"He told you?" I asked in shock. My eyes widened and my mouth slightly parted, a small scoff escaping. "That little-"

"You shouldn't have to choose between me and your career." Max interrupted, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"Yeah, and I also don't want you making the decision for me." My lips formed a tight line as I looked up at my boyfriend. Half of his face was casted in the shadows from the dancing flames in front of us. I could still see the bright blue in his eyes that captivated me when we first met, and then again when we were introduced at the pre-season party. Still to this day I get lost in them, and wish I can spend the rest of eternity looking up at him.

Max's hand moved from his side to tuck a strand of my loose hair behind my ear. It then rested on the side of my face as he admired it. "I didn't think I would be able to love after so many failed relationships, let alone so quickly. You know, I remember when we first met two years ago. I accidentally bumped into you in the paddock and made you drop your phone. I doubt you remember it too much..."

"No, I do." The corners of my mouth twitched upwards. "I didn't think you'd remember that; you didn't even get my name." I had recognised him back then since he was already such a huge name in Formula 1 which is why is came as a surprise that he had remembered me from then. He probably accidentally hit many people, so why remember me?

"I regret that. I also saw you occasionally around but never had the time to properly talk to you. But I guess fate had other ideas, eh? It brought us together at the party in Barcelona. Although," he chuckled softly, "it did take me a while to remember who you were because you looked so different without a polo shirt and jeans on."

"I can't believe you remember that. Does that mean that I can finally get you to pay for my phone damages now?" I teased, raising an eyebrow before smiling at him.

"Hasn't my presence been rewarding enough?" He bit his lip. "You know, I've always been scared of bringing that up in case you had forgotten and held a grudge against me."

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