Chapter 36

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Every hour I spent with Max over the next week was spent feeling guilty. Most of the time I was zoned out trying to think of the best way to tell him before Silverstone. Either he didn't notice my distracted state or didn't want to comment on it.

Thankfully, Max continued to do activities during the day that didn't always include me. For example, today (Tuesday) he went on a bike ride with Pierre and a couple of other friends around Monaco. He wasn't expected back until after dinner as the group were going to get food out. Whenever he spent the day out, I would always spend the day with Dan. Together, we would either play video games, watch films, workout, or discuss our personal lives. Today, we just so happened to be doing the latter.

"So," Daniel began, kicking up his feet onto the sofa, "how far along are you in the plan?" I had managed to go all week without him bringing it up, yet now he decides is a good time.

"I just know I'm not going to do it in public. I don't want the cameras, and I don't want him to flip out in front of people." I sighed.

"That's not very far in, doll. I hate to tell you but you're going to need better than that." Daniel pointed out.

I let out a groan and leaned against Daniel, his arm immediately wrapped around my shoulders. "Maybe I could make him dinner and tell him then?"

"Yeah, a burning house will definitely distract him." He chuckled. I know that my cooking is even worse than bad, but I at least know how to keep the house in one (or two) pieces. "If you want, I can come over beforehand and help you?"

I sat up and looked at Dan. "Really?" When he nodded his head, I let out a squeal and wrapped my arms as best I could around him. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"

"So, when were you planning on doing this so I can clear my schedule?"

"I don't know. I was unsure whether to do it before or after Austria." I answered honestly. "I feel like the longer I wait, the more pissed he'll be. Yet I don't want to ruin his frame of mind for the race."

"Do it after. Like on the Tuesday or something. That'll give him at least a couple of days to get over it." Daniel replied. "I doubt he'll be mad at you for long - I reckon he could even be happy for you."

I let out a scoff. "Yeah, right. It's a secret I've kept from him since we met, he won't be impressed."

"Don't worry too much, Lys. The fact that you tell him rather than letting him find out will be worth at least something." He placed a hand on my knee in reassurance. Hopefully, Dan knew Max extremely well and that his predictions for how he'll react will be the exact same. I'm at least preparing for some tears, almost certainly on my behalf. My heart will absolutely break if he shows no emotion - there's nothing worse than disappointment and betrayal.

"If he dumps me and vows to never look at me again, can I come cry to you?"

Dan let out a laugh through his nose. "He won't, Lys. Trust me. If he does, I'll declare myself the worst driver on the grid, and you and I both know that isn't true." I admire how he always tries to cheer me up.

"I'm so glad I met you at that party." I sighed, resting my head back against his chest.

"Me, too, Ashley." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice as he echoed our first encounter. "These couple of weeks would've been slightly less interesting than normal. But only slightly."

"I would've been third-wheeling Esteban and Kudzai constantly if it wasn't for you, Max and Vic. As much as it pains me to say it, Red Bull aren't the worst."

"Can you please repeat that? I need that on tape." Daniel joked.

"Nope. Never saying it again, no ones going to believe you." I let out a laugh, one of the first ones to not be forced in a while.

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