Chapter 92

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qualifying: P1 OCO; P2 HAM; P3 BOT; P4 VER; P5 VET; P6 RAI; P7 HUL; P8 MAG; P9 RIC; P10 SAI; P11 ALO; P12 VAN; P13 LEC; P14 GRO; P15 ERI; P16 AAA; P17 GAS; P18 STR; P19 HAR; P20 SIR.


As I sat in my car waiting for lights out, my heart was pounding more than usual. It might have been due to the fact that I was starting amongst the midfield teams and therefore more likely to be involved in an incident, or that I had dedicated this race to Marcus, or it might've been the events of my recent bad luck playing over and over in the back of my mind. I'll just blame it on the abnormal heat.

T> 'Clean off the line. Let's get them.'

I pressed a button on my steering wheel that let the team know I received their message. I also did a last minute settings check to make sure that I'm in the best possible position for attack when I'm off the mark. This is a start that I can't afford to fuck up - I need to show to Emanuel that there isn't anyone out to get me. There's no better way to prove it than absolutely acing the race and making a comeback that'll go down in the history books. It may be slightly ambitious, but I'm a female racing driver so everything seems to be anyway.

One: Okay, just take a deep breathe, Lys, you're going to be fine. Two: Just need a good start to be set for the rest of the race and avoid trouble. Three: But what if Emanuel was right? Four: Could my life potentially be in danger if there is someone trying to sabotage me? Five: Fuck me. Lights Out.

Something seemed to hesitate in the car when I pushed my foot on the accelerator and released the clutch. There had been no indication of the issue when I was doing the warm up lap so it took me by surprise.

A> 'Shit, something must have stalled.'

I watched as the few cars who had qualified behind me drive past; I knew that when I finally got off the line, I was in last. Before I even had the chance to get annoyed at my start, it seemed as if I had been lucky. The car that had been in front of me (the Sauber of Marcus Ericsson) had plowed into the side of his teammate which caused Charles to spin across the track. I immediately applied the brakes and turned to the left to avoid any flying debris and the cars that were involved.

T> 'Any damage?'

A> 'I think I managed to get through without anything. Check the floor, though, as there was a small bump. I can't feel anything different.'

My senses were heightened more than usual as I tried to sense any vibrations other than the ones that I would usually feel. At the same time I was trying to watch the waving flags. The yellow was quick to turn into a double yellow, and then a safety car. How bad was the crash?

A> 'Everyone okay? Can I have an update on position?'

T> 'Both Sauber drivers are out, as are the Haas and McLaren drivers. I think it was Romain and Stoffel.'

I let out a small sigh of relief that Charles was alright, as well as the others involved.

T> 'You're currently P13. Two drivers have punctures and another has front wing damage. They shouldn't be competitive with your standard.'

A> 'Still going to be a long session.'

T> 'Keep your head down and focus, kid. You can still earn some decent points here. Bottas had issues off the mark like you so he's only a couple of cars ahead.'

Lights Out • 1 • Formula One ✔️Where stories live. Discover now