Chapter 12

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I had the best nights sleep that I'd had in a while despite waking up at seven to feed Murray. Even when I had returned from walking him in the rain I felt upbeat, as if nothing could dampen my mood. Since I was the first one awake, I could get all my grins out before anyone awoke and questioned it. How do I tell Kudzai what happened when I don't really know what it means? Will last night's talk change the relationship between Max and I for the good or bad?

"You do realise that on a day off you typically stay in bed until noon." Esteban said in his groggy morning voice. I looked up from my cup of tea and smiled at him. Murray lazily lifted his head to acknowledge him before settling back down on my lap.

"Then why aren't you?" I asked, taking a sip of my hot drink.

"Kudzai kicked me in her sleep and I woke up. Trust me, if I could've stayed asleep I would have."

"There's still some hot water in the kettle, make yourself a coffee if you're not planning on going back to sleep." I nodded my head in the direction of the kitchen where the kettle was set up on the countertop. "I could do with some company watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine."

Since I got back from the walk about an hour ago I've been binge watching the series on Netflix. It was a good show for not having to follow along which was good at this time in the morning.

"It's such a good show, isn't it?" Esteban said, pouting the hot water into a mug. From the kitchen he could probably just about see the TV screen and therefore watch along whilst making his drink. When he had finished, he moved to the spot on the sofa where he could stretch out his legs and pulled a throw over himself.

"Comfy?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Esteban grinned, nodding his head, before turning his attention onto the screen.

Together we watched another two episodes before anyone else woke up. Victoria came out of her room at just after nine, however she was not in a talking mood (probably due to the fact it was still early on her terms) and just sat with us watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Whilst we were waiting for the next episode to automatically play, I realised that I had yet to eat this morning. "Did you guys want any breakfast?" I asked, standing up and stretching before wandering into the kitchen.

"What is there?" Vic's voice was, too, a little groggy when she spoke.

I opened the fridge to see a minimal amount of food. At the back was some fruit that Damien had obviously left from when he stayed which looked to still be edible. We also had milk so we could have cereal if we wanted. I told them the options and they pondered for a moment before replying.

"I'll have some cereal, please." Vic smiled.

"I'll wait for Kudz to wake up, she might want to get brunch or something later." Esteban said.

"Okay." I grabbed two bowls and filled them halfway with cereal. After adding the milk, I grabbed the spoons and handed Victoria a bowl whilst I sat down with mine. I couldn't be bothered to prepare the fruit so I'll just eat it later on.

"Thanks." Victoria smiled, settling back into her spot. Murray noticed that she had food so moved as close to her as he could get, he knew better than to try with me.

I finished my cereal about halfway into the episode and put my finished bowl into the kitchen. Since I was such a good host, I took Vic's away as well.

"So what are the plans for today?" Vic asked during the next episodes opening title.

I shrugged. "The weather is terrible so we wouldn't want to go anywhere outdoors. I think it might just be a lazy day."

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