Chapter 71

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I was finally able to put in a decent set of laps during the final free practice before qualifying, finishing P2 behind Lewis. The weather seemed to be looking bright for the rest of the weekend - no showers predicted until Monday. I was subsequently in a better mood because of this, well as good as a mood as you can be in Spa, in addition to the fact that if I had a meeting after qualifying with Toto Wolff. I was definitely nervous as this meeting could carve out the rest of my career, but I was more bubbly with anticipation. I want to impress them so badly.

"You ready to get in the car?" Emanuel asked, his hand resting on top of the halo. I eagerly nodded my head and pulled down the visor of my helmet. After giving a thumbs up to the mechanics to let them know I was ready, I climbed into my car. Every single time it's a bit of a squeeze as the positioning and how I'm sat is quite awkward, however as soon as I'm strapped in, I couldn't feel more at home. Despite all that had happened, I felt safe in the car. Doing something that I loved definitely brought a sense of security.

I watched Emanuel jog over the pit wall, avoiding a Toro Rosso car that was preparing to line up at the end of the pit lane. Before long, I was hearing his voice over the radio.

T> 'Radio check, One, Two, Three.'

A> 'I can hear you loud and clear, mate.'

T> 'Great. The session has just started but we'll send you out when there's a bit of free space.'

A> 'Got it.'

T> 'Q3 should be easy with our pace, so no pressure.'

A> 'Should be easy?'

I wasn't sat waiting for too long before Emanuel gave the mechanics around the car a thumbs up to remove my tyre covers. I spent the time well by reviewing the data from my fastest run in FP3 in hopes I can replicate it and beat it. As soon as I was released, I drove down the pit lane, narrowly beating a Ferrari that had also been released.

Despite being initially ahead, for tactical reasons I let the Ferrari pass on the warm up lap and remained close to the rear of it. Hopefully this will give me the opportunity to get a slipstream along the final straight. I pulled back on the final corner slightly before going full throttle along the start/finish straight.

This circuit, despite being one of my favourites to drive at, was one of the most challenging. As well as the tragic memories that fill my mind every time I drive, a little mistake, such as not lifting enough off the throttle, could send you into the gravel or, even worse, the barrier. I've been fortunate to not have had a major mistake so far in my career, however others have not been so fortunate. This circuit will forever be laced with the heartbreaking F2 race last year that had an impact of everyone in the motorsport community. An accident is never planned, but it's tragic consequences last forever.

I swooped down Eae Rouge and then up Raidillon, lifting slightly off the throttle when I reached the top of the hill to avoid myself spinning off. I hated this section of track with a passion, despite it used to be my favourite. Just seeing that barrier brought a pain to my chest. Despite feeling this way, I was fortunate in the fact that I didn't seem to be losing any time to the Ferrari in front, it was almost like I was gaining slightly. The reason became apparent when I was able to overtake it on the straight.

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