Chapter 112

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Getting drunk tonight so I'm posting this early - I don't want to forget.

Only when I returned to my driver room and checked my phone did I realise that I wouldn't actually be able to call Charles to let him know that I've finished. It showed that he had read my message about ten minutes ago and a part of me was slightly disappointed to not see any form of congratulations for getting on the front row. Maybe it was stupid of me to expect something like that, but I hoped that he would show his support in one way or another. There were several other messages of congratulations from people like Lando, Giuli, Marcus, and even Max who was in the session with me. I pushed all the negative thoughts that were beginning to plague my brain to the side and decided to act as if nothing was wrong.

'Hey, I'm just finishing up. Where did you want to meet? xxx
- Alyssa ❤️'

Just as I was about to throw my phone onto my bag, it pinged with a message notification.

'Not feeling up to it.
- Charles ❤️'

Okay, that's definitely out of character for Charles. I racked my memory for anything that I could've said between our talk on the way to the paddock and now but couldn't pin point anything.

'Have you already gone back to the hotel? I'm always here for you if you need to talk about something xxx
- Alyssa ❤️'

Whilst waiting for a reply, I changed back into my regular clothes. It seemed to be taking a while for him to reply so I checked my phone once I had slipped on my Force India shirt to see that he had read the message a few minutes prior. My brow furrowed in a mixture of annoyance and confusion - what's wrong with him?

I let out a sigh and tucked my phone into the back pocket of my shorts. If Charles is still at the paddock, you can best believe that I will find him and console him. Something is obviously the matter and I want to help him through it.

I had already written a statement for the press about my performance in qualifying today since I couldn't give it to Kudzai verbally. That means that I didn't have any commitments for this evening. There wasn't a lot of practice work I could do that would be beneficial so I was free to head back to the hotel, or in my case, find Charles.

Walking through the paddock, the first driver I ran in to was Daniel. There was no pressure surrounding who I can and cannot be seen with anymore which meant I was free to talk to him whenever I pleased.

"Hey!" Daniel pulled me into a hug. "Well done on the front row," he said into my ear so that none of the people watching would hear.

"Thank you," I squeaked. He seemed to be able to hear my words and gave me a small squeeze before pulling away.

"I take it you're heading to Sauber? I saw Charles there just now with his PR. He doesn't look very happy, just to warn you," Daniel commented. I inhaled deeply and nodded my head. "If you're quick, you should catch him. I've got to head for some more interviews now so we'll chat later?"

I bit my lip, eyes fixated on the red and white Sauber garage further down the paddock as I nodded my head again in acknowledgment. Daniel gave my shoulder a quick pat before brushing past me.

I continued with purpose in the direction of the Sauber building. I tried to relax my tensed body before I saw Charles in case he got the impression that I was mad at him. If anything, I was concerned. When Charles shuts people out, it's usually because he's hurting. It definitely seems as if he's trying to shut me out, but then again I could be overthinking everything like I usually do.

Charles was sat under a parasol with his back to me. I knew there was no point attempting to call out to him with my lost voice and I was thankful that he was no longer with his PR. He didn't notice me until I took a seat on the adjacent bench and folded my arms on the table.

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