Chapter 120

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(11601 words... get yourself a cup of tea and some biscuits. This is the final chapter)

They say all good journeys must come to an end. My time at Force India was definitely not the idilic image of 'good', but there were a few key moments where I truly felt happy with the team: winning races in Formula 2; winning the championships; getting a Formula 1 seat; becoming the youngest pole sitter... good memories. Thinking back to a time before Lawrence Stroll, things were simpler and better. My highs were a little on the low side after the summer break so I'd like to end my contract with the team with some solid points. Whilst I would love the win, a part of me is scared of the unknown. Will people shun me? Will I finally be respected? How will it impact my life? I wouldn't know unless it happens.

I tried to keep my daily routine as close to normal as possible despite everything starting later on in the day. My phone had a UK time manually selected to display underneath my current location's time so that I could go through my day as normal. For example, I usually wake up at seven for a race weekend, so I woke up at ten. I do not want to do anything out of the ordinary that might compromise my race performance.

My schedule would mean that I'll be cutting it close if I want to watch the entirety of the F2 race, but I'm usually pretty hasty when I need to be. By half ten, I was locking my hotel room door behind me with an apple in hand and my bag slung over my shoulder. I wore my Force India polo tucked into some plain culottes, along with my white converse. Just because I was going to be at Mercedes next year, a pair of wireless Bose headphones were wrapped around my neck so I could get focused later on. The soft thumping of 'Confident' by Demi Lovato could be heard whilst I conversed with a few team members in the hotel lobby shortly, before the music became clear as I headed to the track.

My fingers drummed against my legs until the bright sun glared in my eye. After a few moments of squinting, I plucked the sunglasses which were folded through a gap between the buttons of my polo shirt and slid them onto the bridge of my nose (with some adjustment of the headphones).

Even from where I was, I could hear the roar of the F2 cars. The television never did it justice as a kid and I never fully understood that until I finally went to a race. I had my fingers crossed for Lando. The championship would mean a lot for him and definitely give him some confidence during the step up to F1. I'm still technically reining champion but I wouldn't be mad about passing the crown on to him.

I hurried my step when I realised that the race had started. Hopefully Lando had received the text I sent him the moment I woke up (it was just wishing him luck today) or else he might think I don't care which is the last thing I want. He's been there for me every step of my career whether he knew it or not so I'm going to be there for him.

The paddock was unsurprisingly busy. My grip on my bag was tight as I headed in the direction of the Force India garage. I knew Kudzai would've arrived there early so I can count that I'll have her for company. A couple of mechanics who recognised me nodded their head in my direction, I copied there actions and gave them a smile. Hopefully morale today is high even though Esteban is starting in eighth. I have faith that we'll be able to pull off a double points finish if neither of our cars give up, but I shouldn't even be considering a DNF as a possibility. That can't happen again...

"Who's winning?" Was my first question upon entering the main room. A large TV was hung on the wall and I pulled my sunglasses off to get a better look at the race displayed. Kudzai and Paula were sitting behind a computer and rolled their eyes at my loud entrance.

"I don't know, I have actual work to do," Kudzai replied, her tone full of sass. I didn't need her - I could clearly see that Lando was running in fifth so he has neither gainer nor lost position. George was climbing his way up through the field and was currently outside the points in fourteenth. I expect he'll be in the points (eighth or higher) in no time.

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