Chapter 67

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Thursday was girl's day. Whilst the boys and Murray all stayed at the villa, us girls decided to head into the city for a much needed shopping session. The group consisted of me, Kudzai, Mila, Vic, Cate and Emily. It was definitely a highly anticipated day since we had all spent at least two hours the night before sat around the fire pit, planning it.

"So where to first?" Kudzai asked, her southwestern English accent contrasting with the Portuguese locals. We had just gotten out of the car and were barely out of the car park. Mila was luckily able to drive all six of us into the city in Dan's 4x4 which had enough space to sit all of us and whatever shopping we may bring home.

"I need to buy a clubbing dress - all of mine are too boring." Emily stated. "We should probably start somewhere that isn't high-end, Vic." She gave the Dutch girl a knowing look. "My pay-check is nothing compared to what any of you make."

"How well does Gucci pay?" Cate asked, referencing Vic's new job with the well known brand.

Vic's lips twisted upwards into a smile. "Well. It's also given me the opportunity to work on more projects and earn more."

"I wish I was rich." Emily sighed deeply, resting her head against my shoulder as we walked. "Hopefully when I finish University the job I get will pay well."

"How many more years of med school?" I questioned.

"Two at the very least, but it depends on my end of year exams."

"You're way smarter than I'll ever be. Although that doesn't amount to anything, if anyone's going to ace their tests, it's either you or Mila." I gave her a smile of reassurance. We had all been able to get to know Emily very well over the past few days, as well as Cate whom I wasn't overly close with before. Now, I can safely say that we're all very good friends and can rely on each other no matter what.

"It took me ages to get where I am, though. Even though the world hates to admit it since society is so 'forward-thinking'," Mila added the quotation marks with her hands, adding an eye roll to show her annoyance, "our world today still gives women shit. I work just as hard as my male counterpart yet only receive two thirds of his pay."

"Anyone who isn't a straight, cis, white male knows the struggle." Kudzai added. "The only reason I'm getting payed as much as I am is because they couldn't find anyone else with the qualifications to fill the role. Also, 'A' gave some of their pay check to help fund me."

Ever since my career in motorsport took off, I've been giving Kudzai a fraction of my pay check. Although I get payed less myself, it's still significantly more than what she makes so I wanted to repay her by rewarding all the hard work she does for me. I wouldn't be where I am today without such an incredible friend.

"That's so sweet of him," Cate said with an awed expression. "Maybe I should try and get Pierre to share his once we're married." She added, chuckling softly.

"I would." Vic and Emily commented at the same time before breaking out into laughter.

Our group naturally split into pairs to walk through the large groups of people easily and without blocking the entire path. Kudzai and Emily were up front, then it was Mila and Cate, and Vic and I took up the rear. We were both complaining to each other about how humid it was today. Luckily my hair was in a bun or else it would be frizzy as fuck.

"Okay, where to first? I see a H&M up ahead, they're usually good for low-price clothing." Kudzai pointed down the crowded street.

Emily nodded her head in agreement since it mostly applied to her. "Yeah. There's a couple of shops I can think of that we can go in before Lunch."

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