Chapter 98

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Two to go! A big decision will be made at 100.

Race day.

A short, sharp knock sounded on my driver's room door. At first I thought it was going to be my half-an-hour warning until I'm needed in the garage, but after looking at the clock, I realised I still had an hour. I usually head to the garage when the drivers start their parade just to avoid a lot of the press. Then, I hide out with my strategists until I'm needed in the car.

With my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I cracked the door open slightly just to see who it was. I stood in such a way that the person on the other side wouldn't be able to see me. "Charles?"

He pushed the door open and closed it firmly behind him. I had to take a few steps back to avoid him bumping into me. His expression was a look of surprise: wide eyes, lips slightly parted. "I didn't know who to come to first."

"Is everything alright?" I placed down the glass of water that I had been drinking so I could place a hand on his arm.

"I-" he let out a small scoff of, what I guessed to be, disbelief. Charles's eyes then locked onto mine and the biggest smile lit up his face. "I was offered the Ferrari seat next season."

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed, wrapping my warms tightly around his shoulders. A squeal escaped my lips as I excitedly bounced on the spot. Charles matched my actions, his arms grabbing my waist whilst his chin rested on my shoulder. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you."

"I was just told, and you were the first person who I thought to tell."

"Charles," I pulled back, placing my hands on either side of his face, "no-one deserves the seat more than you."

Charles's arms fell to the dip of my waist as he looked into my eyes. "I'm so glad that we're actually going to be able to race each other next year rather than you just being in a better car. I might actually win something for once."

"I'll be cheering you on, no matter what," I told him, pressing my lips softly against his cheek before resting my chin on his shoulder. "Just don't crash into me, yeah?"

"I won't as long as you get a better taste in men."

"My taste in men is fine," I protested, pulling away once again. "I kissed you, didn't I?"

"Your taste is quite particular. Have you ever dated anyone who wasn't a driver?"

"Max was my first proper boyfriend, and it's been drivers ever since." I laughed. "Gosh, I can't wait for all the scandals when the world knows who I am. If I keep going at the rate I am, I'll get through the grid by the time I'm thirty."

"You just need to find someone who's always there for you, who appreciates you, who doesn't get mad at every guy you talk to, who loves you."

I exhaled softly through my nose. "Tell me when you find him, yeah?" Charles nodded his head in reply.

"I should probably get myself ready for the parade."

"Thank you for letting me be the first to know the good news," I said with a smile on my face. "You'll be the first person I tell when I make a decision."

"Thanks, chamallow," Charles replied. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Did you want to celebrate tonight?"

"How about we celebrate with a night in?" I suggested, not feeling up to hitting the town after the race since it would be so late.

Charles smiled at me, nodding his head. "Deal - as long as you agree to paint my nails again."

"Anything for you, Charlo."

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