Chapter 13

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Max, Murray and I returned from the walk absolutely drenched. Despite this, it couldn't dampen my mood. Max Verstappen actually kissed me, what the actual fuck.

"Hey," Max softly grabbed my arm as I went to put my key in the door. "Maybe we should keep the fact that we kissed quiet for now." He nodded his head in the direction of the door, indicating he didn't want to tell the others. 

"Oh." I was taken back, not expecting him to want to keep this a secret, especially when it'd make his sister quite happy.

"It's not like there's anything wrong, I just don't want to go shouting about it because I know how the media will get." He reassured, noticing the slight frown on my lips. "If we let them know it won't be long until it slips out. I don't want you to get hurt, my fans are ruthless when it comes to my relationships."

"But we'll tell them eventually, right? I mean, we can't keep it a secret forever." I raised an eyebrow when he fell silent.

"I-I don't know."

Nervously, I looked into his eyes."You're not embarrassed by me, are you?"  

"Of course not, schat! It's just that I want to strengthen our bond so that it isn't easily broken when people try to tear us apart. In given time we might be able to go public but until then I don't want to see you getting hurt." Max pulled me into a hug, his arms wrapping tightly around my shoulders.

"Why can't we tell them?" I gestured to the door, indicating I was talking about Vic, Kudzai and Esteban.

"Vic is constantly updating her snapchat, she'll probably forget and post something about us. And not to be rude but I don't know Kudzai very well, or what her posting habits are."

"I trust both of them with something like this, I tell them literally everything." I took a step back and sighed, running a hand through my damp hair. "Kudzai can keep a secret, trust me I know. And Vic's not stupid. If it's something important she'll respect it. Have a little faith in your sister." 

Max opened his mouth to reply but instead a voice called through the door. "Yeah, have a little faith in me, broer."

I gave Max a look as his face fell when he realised that Vic had been eavesdropping on our conversation. To make it easier, I opened the front door to reveal Kudzai and Esteban standing behind Vic, also listening in.

"How much did you hear?" Max asked, seeming genuinely concerned. It hurt me a little that he didn't even trust those closest to us, it just goes to show how little he can trust.

"Not much, just the fact that you won't tell us something in fear of hurting Alyssa, and that you don't trust us." Vic folded her arms, giving her brother a stern look that any man would crack under. "Now what were you talking about?"

"Max won't let me say." I rolled my eyes.

"You don't have a secret tattoo of Alyssa's face on your ass, do you?" Kudzai questioned, a small smirk playing on her lips. From the look in her eyes I could tell she knew the general idea on what our conversation was about. She is phenomenal when it comes to reading people, always knowing the mood of a conversation and it's contents within a few moments.

I looked at Max expectantly, waiting for him to give an answer. When he didn't, I let out a loud sigh. "Fine. I'm going in the shower if you need me. Whilst I am, Max," I turned to look at him, "you can dry down Murray for me."

I didn't give him time to protest as I walked into the house and straight into my bedroom, closing the door behind me a little harder than I meant to. I grabbed some clean clothes and a towel before going into the bathroom. A shower is what I need.

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