Chapter 104

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Hushed voices woke me up. My head still ached when I opened my eyes but the pain was a considerable amount less than before. The nap completely threw me off and I had no idea what time it was, or how long I had been asleep for. My face still felt hot as I weakly moved onto my elbows to try and find the source of the noise. The darkness in the room, despite helping my headache, was not helping my vision. The black out blinds of my driver's room was doing a good job in ensuring the room was pitch black.

"...I should've noticed. Something was definitely off this morning but she told me she was okay."

"She probably was okay, then. Things like this can be brought on for any reason, no matter how small."

"I worry so much about her-"

"I know, Charles. I'll let you know as soon as she's awake."

I took that as my cue to gently push open the door to the corridor outside my room. My eyes squinted immediately at the bright light and I brought my hand up to shield them.

"I'm awake," I said, voice hoarse. Kudzai and Charles turned to face me with their mouths slightly parted in surprise. After gaining composure, Charles stepped forward and wrapped me into a hug. I turned my head to the side so that I could lay my head comfortably against his chest, and he rested his chin on top of my hair. My arms tightened around his middle and I exhaled softly in contentment.

"How're you feeling?" Kudzai asked. I opened my eyes to see her slightly concerned expression.

"My head's a little sore, but nothing major."

"You've been asleep for almost six hours." She gave me a sad smile. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"A bit," I mumbled.

Charles pulled away from the hug but still kept an arm wrapped around me. "Why didn't you tell me about your panic attack last night?"

"I didn't want to worry you."

"Well, can you tell me why it happened?" He asked, hope lacing his words. "I really want to help you." Charles's words were a lot like Max's from last night and I couldn't help but huff.

"It's nothing."

Charles and Kudzai shared a look. "C'mon, Lys," she encouraged, "we can't help if you don't tell."

"I would tell you, but," my eyes drifted to Charles before falling back on her, "Emanuel told me not to say anything."

"What do you me- oh... oh!" Recognition hit Kudzai like a truck and her eyebrows raised in surprise. Charles, bless him, looked very confused. "What happened?" She must've noticed my hesitation from Charles being in the room, and also remembered the conversation with Emanuel. "You can tell him, Lys. He's not going to tell anyone, and he certainly has nothing to do with it."

"Nothing to do with what?" Charles asked, confusion and concern etched in his furrowed brow.

Kudzai looked to me for permission to tell and I nodded my head reluctantly. "The team think someone's sabotaging Lys."

"Sabotage?" He exclaimed.

"Yeah," I rubbed my face with my hands as my head started to thump. "I got a phone call yesterday warning me not to drive. I was with Christian and Dan at the time so I accidentally told Dan without even thinking but you absolutely can not tell anyone, okay? Please, Charles. The more people who know the worse it'll become."

"I- of course. I promise you, Lys."

A look a realisation crossed Kudzai's face and her lips parted slightly. "Oh my God - Robert's suspension went today. That would've been yours if you didn't have a panic attack."

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