Chapter 39

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I had watched the end of qualifying in the garage. My time I had put in was quick enough to get me into Q3 which was even more frustrating. Not only does it mean that the lap I had been doing was unnecessary, but also that the strategists would need to alter their original plan since we were expecting to start on the ultrasofts.

The end result was: Bottas, Vettel, Hamilton, Raikkonen, Ocon, Ricciardo, Verstappen, Magnussen, Grosjean, me, Hulkenberg, Sainz, Vandoorne, Alonso, Leclerc, Ericsson, Gasly, Sirotkin, Stroll, Hartley.

I stayed late to help the guys in the garage with a few last minute things, such as going over the data and coming up with a strategy. When I arrived home a little before six, Max was also in an annoyed mood from his performance in qualifying.

"Hey, schatje." He called from the kitchen. I was currently lying on the sofa, curled up in a blanket, whilst Max figured out what he wanted for dinner. "Do you want to just order room service?" His head popped around the wall so that he could see my reaction better.

"That sounds good," I replied briefly before turning my attention back to the television screen. I wasn't really watching what was on, just staring at the screen whilst my thoughts began to wonder.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realise Max had sat beside me until he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Everything alright?"

I jumped slightly at the contact. "I'm fine. Work is just stressing me out at the moment."

"I don't doubt it is. It's a shame that your driver crashed." To begin with, I was shocked that Max didn't say anything bad about 'A'. "It may have been good news for Red Bull, but it's not good for you since you're the one who has to do the extra hours."

"I guess it's just what comes with the sport." I sighed, leaning against him whilst he soothingly rubbed my back.

"Unfortunately." Max just held me for awhile. He could sense that I wasn't feeling up to a long conversation so thoughtfully just hugged me instead. I couldn't complain, I was savouring every moment I spent with him.

Max's phone buzzed about fifteen minutes into the silence but he didn't even bother to check. Instead, his arms just wrapped around me tighter and he placed a kiss on the top of my head.

He only pulled away when his stomach let out a small rumble. "How about I invite Daniel 'round? He always seems to be cheery."

"Yeah." I sat up and smiled. "He can have dinner with us, too. Should I text him?"

"Yeah, sure. My phone is on the other side of sofa and I don't really want to move." Max

I picked up my phone and began to type a message.

'Hey, Dan. Max and I were wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner? We're ordering room service bc we can't be bothered to cook anything. We really need your cheery personality rn since we both had a shitty day. Loves ya.
-Alyssa the Ass 🍑'

Almost immediately, Daniel sent his reply.

'Of course I will. I was going to crash by later anyways since everyone else is busy tonight. I'm also not going to put on a shirt because it's so fucking hot rn . Hope Max doesn't get to flustered 😉, I'll be round soon.
-Daniel the Dick 🍆'

"Dan said he'll come over." I said to Max after reading the message. "Oh, and that he's not putting a shirt on."

Max rolled his eyes. "Typical."

"I mean, you don't have to wear a shirt either. I certainly won't be complaining." I joked, winking as I made a move to stand up.

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