Chapter 48

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"You could have at least looked like you were paying attention to what Robert was saying." My mum said, rolling her eyes. We had just finished listening to Robert's usual speech to motivate the team before a session. "I did raise you to have manners, right?"

"Aw, C'mon Libby. Give the girl a break." Paula placed a hand on my mum's shoulder as I continued to look at my stats from the three free practices. "Besides, no one really listens to Robert's speeches anyway." I couldn't help but crack a smile at Paula for sticking up for me.

"I'm just saying that she should show a little bit of respect since her job is on the line-"

"Mum!" I interrupted. "Maybe you should go wait in the garage? Qualifying will be starting soon." It was obvious that my mum was worried about my future at the team. Everything time I did or said something that may annoy one of the bosses, she would berate me. You would not believe the earful I received when Robert told her I had walked out of the room when talking to Lawrence. It ended, like most of our other 'arguements' with: 'you wouldn't have this issue if you would've just become a vet!'

Rather reluctantly, my mum left the room, leaving me with Paula. I let out a loud sigh. I'm both physically and mentally exhausted. I want nothing more than to curl up into a ball and sleep for a week straight just so I don't have to deal with any responsibilities. Unfortunately, that can't happen.

"C'mon dear, keep your chin up." Paula took the seat next to me and placed a hand on my arm. "I can see you're off form. You just need to forget about any of your worries for a few hours whilst you qualify, then feel free to release it all into a tub of ice cream. Just don't tell Robert or Elizabeth about the ice cream." She winked.

The corners of my lips twitched into a smile. "How do you think I managed to last the past few days?"

"I wish I had your metabolism, dear."

"So where should I put my most focus during qualifying?" I asked, eyeing the clock. I had ten minutes until I needed to be in my car so had to get as much information as possible quickly.

"You're strong in the second sector, maybe lacking a bit on pace compared to others in the first. You can decide where to push, whether you want to try and have equally good sectors, or one exceptional."

"What position are we expecting out of today?" I was hopeful that we'll be competing in the top six, especially since Esteban and I never placed lower during the free practice sessions.

"At least P7." Paula nodded. "But I don't doubt you'll be aiming for the front row."

"I always do." I reassured, smiling at Paula as I skimmed through the data one last time. The times I had put in during practice weren't necessarily exceptional, however they were consistently improving. So far this weekend, our car has shown that the tyres do not wear down as fast as some of the other drivers so we should be able to put in more flying laps on a single set.

"Here." Paula picked my helmet up off of the floor and handed it to me. This weekend, in honour of it being my home Grand Prix, I'm featuring a new design on my helmet. I had worked late Thursday trying to finalise everything. The team and I (mostly the team) created a helmet that was the Force India pink, with detailing made up of the colours of the Union Jack. There was also a picture of a wolverine blended at the back of the helmet since it was the animal I was often compared to.

I gratefully took it and fitted it over my head. "Let's do this."


My fingers drummed against the side of my steering wheel in anticipation. The first session of qualifying had just started and, in British fashion, it had began to rain in the second sector. Before it became too wet that I had to drive on intermediates, the team decided to release me from the garage as soon as they were ready.

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