Chapter 9

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I was thankful that I woke up to a text saying my workout had been rescheduled for this evening as it had completely slipped my mind. It also meant I could spend the morning with Max and this time cook him breakfast.

As my sleeping pattern was messed up, I woke up at nine in the morning - that's way to early in my opinion. Max was still fast asleep which meant getting out of bed was quite difficult. His hand was wrapped tightly around my waist, pulling against his chest. I knew he was still sleeping due to the light snores coming from his mouth.

Gently, I removed his arm, replacing it with the large portion of quilt cover I had stolen during the night... whoops. He stirred momentarily before settling back into a slow, steady breathing pattern. I let out a sigh of relief, moving as delicately as I could into the kitchen so that I didn't accidentally wake him up.

I am in no way a chef - I literally managed to burn pasta at one point because I didn't realise you needed to add water. It was safest if I followed a recipe rather than my instincts so looked up a nice one on my phone.

Thankfully, the team at Force India had stocked the hotel with food and ingredients before I got there at the request of Kudzai. She had always preferred a home-made breakfast over a pre-made one as it was usually healthier and you 'know all the shit that's going in it'. I got all the ingredients that the recipe for pancakes required and laid them out on the counter.

Okay. I've got this.

I managed to make the batter without any major spillages. However the trouble came when I tried to cook them in the pan. I had managed to drop the frying pan onto the floor and almost broke my foot. It also made a tonne of noise which ended up waking Max up.

He walked into the kitchen area, an amused look on his face. "Morning, schatje." I didn't reply, my focus was all on ladling the batter into the pan without spilling any onto the hobs.

"Why don't you sit down? I'll finish breakfast." Max offered, placing a hand on my waist.

"I'm trying to be nice and make you breakfast, you made it last time." I replied, waiting for the pancake to cook. I was staring at it for what felt like forever, it still didn't look like it was cooking. "What's taking so long?"

Max looked down at the oven, a small grin appearing on his face. "You know, Lys, that usually when people want to cook something they actually turn the oven on." I followed his eyes to see that I hadn't yet pressed the switch to turn it on and groaned in frustration.

"How am I meant to know that?"

Max shook his head, still smiling. "Sit down, babe, let the professional get to work."

He practically pushed me to the sofa, not giving me a chance to protest. As I sat pouting and glaring into the back of his skull, Max was standing in the kitchen area humming along to a playlist he had on his phone. I was annoyed that he didn't even let me try again, but I couldn't stay mad when he was being such a dork singing into the ladle. The fact he was shirtless was also a contributing factor. I had managed to take a few photos on my phone before he had finished.

"So what are your plans for today?" Max asked, handing me a plate of food. He took the seat next to me on the sofa, resting one of his legs over the other.

"I have to meet with Esteban's trainer later on as he has a workout and forces me to do them with him." I rolled my eyes. I wasn't exactly lying to Max, as me and Esteban did share the same trainer, he just doesn't need to know I'm 'A' just yet.

"That's mean." Max commented after swallowing his bit of food. "Why does he force you to do it?"

"Well all of the team have to maintain a healthy schedule and stay fit, however Esteban just uses that to make me do his level of workout."

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