Chapter 61

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Someone wanted an early update, so have it!

I couldn't avoid my team forever no matter how much I wanted to. After watching the entire qualifying session in the Red Bull garage, along with having a small celebration as Daniel got himself on the front row, I reluctantly headed towards the Force India building. Max offered to walk me there just as he didn't trust me on my feet. The aching from the crash was starting to set in and I was quite unsteady walking. He held my hand tight for the entire walk.

"You did well today." I said, smiling up at him as best as I could through my grimace from the pain. "P4 is amazing."

"I had a lot of support from a special someone." Max pressed a kiss to the side of my head. "And it also helped that that special someone also took out a competitive Ferrari."

I playfully knocked him with my shoulder, immediately regretting it as it sent little shocks of pain down my arm and my chest. Usually, Max would've nudged me back but I could tell he sensed my discomfort. As soon as I get back to our hotel room, I'm for sure going to run myself a nice bath. I need my muscles to return to normal if I want to be ruled fit enough to race tomorrow. Dr Cassidy can unclear me quicker than a flash and I know she won't hesitate to do so if I show any signs of discomfort.

My nerves weren't eased when I spotted Robert standing outside of the pink walled building. Luckily his back was to me as he spoke to Lawrence and Lance Stroll, although the fact they were also there didn't bring me much comfort. The Canadian Driver was the first to spot me and Max. His father's eyes followed his gaze upon noticing Lance's distractedness until they landed on me. An unimpressed scowl fell on his lips. A conversation between the three of them could not mean anything good. Robert turned to look at me, too. He hid his emotions very well as I couldn't tell how he was feeling (most likely very annoyed).

I let go of Max's hand rather reluctantly, glancing up at him. His glare was fixed on the three men, and his lips turned in a small scowl.

"I'll be outside around seven to pick you up, okay?" Max said, wrapping an arm protectively around me in a comforting hug. He looked rather reluctant to let go. He also pressed a kiss to the side of my head whilst looking directly at the three guys.

I hummed in reply, moving away from his touch. I waved a small goodbye and watched him glance over his shoulder as he walked away, presumably to the Red Bull garage.

"Alyssa!" Lance exclaimed, taking a step towards me before being pulled back by his father. Before he could continue, Robert interrupted.

"Inside." His voice was cold. "Now." I knew better than to ignore him whilst he was standing right in front of me. Also, the mood that he seems to be in suggests that it wouldn't be wise to say anything yet. Robert followed me into the centre before leading the way into his temporary office. Of course, Lance and Lawrence were right there with him.

I awkwardly stood in front of the desk, the room completely silent as Robert just stared at me. Lawrence leaned against the wall behind him whilst Lance kept relatively close to me.

"First things first," Robert began, "Are you alright? Fit to drive?" As I nodded my head, Lawrence Stroll was quick to give his opinions.

"She shouldn't be driving even if she was fit!" He exclaimed. "I mean, look at how she deals with things - she's not mature enough to make it in this sport." I wanted to reply but the stern look Robert gave me told me that it's better if I just hold my tongue, so I let him continue. "If I were running this team, which I will be come August, I'd see you out myself and have Lance take your seat!"

Ignoring Robert, I decided to reply anyways. "With all due respect, Sir, your son hasn't had his suspension fail when travelling at over 200km/h. I think I have a right to be pissed off since I'm starting at the back tomorrow." I folded my arms across my chest and frowned. My heart was beating hard since I hate having to talk back to people, also because I was getting angry. It took me a lot to not bring up the fact that I'd have Lance for company on the back row since his qualifying wasn't great, but he is still my friend (his girlfriend more so, however).

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