Chapter 6

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My first waking moment was to squint at the bright sun. It pooled through a crack in the curtains, the slice of light striking me straight in the eye. A soft groan escaped through my slightly parted lips and I brought my hand up to shield myself. My body was still heavy, so I knew that I had gotten a good nights rest, however I wasn't appreciative of the rude awakening. Why is  the sun always brightest in the mornings, the time you really can't be bothered to get up? I also didn't like how the smallest sliver manages to hit me right in the eye.

"Morning, schat." Max's voice made me jump, especially at how close it was. I suddenly became very aware of my sense of touch, more specifically how I could feel his warm skin underneath my own. I slowly opened my eyes to see I was resting in his chest, my hand other hand curled up in the blanket that loosely covered his lower half. My groggy state made me confused as I tried to piece together the reason why I was asleep on his chest. "You fell asleep during the film, and I couldn't bring myself to move you. Sorry, you just looked too peaceful." Well, that answers that question.

"No it's okay," I tugged my lower lip between my teeth. I placed my hands both onto his chest to help push myself into a more upright position. "Thank you for letting me stay over," I said, a yawn escaping at the end of my sentence. My shoulder clicked as I stretched, and my face scrunching up in embarrassment when I noticed how close we were. I was practically laying on him! "I'm sorry if I squished you." 

"It's no worries," he reassured, reaching up to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. "You make an amazing cuddle buddy." Max's smile caused heat to rush to my face and my heart skipped a beat. My mind was lingering on how adorable he was, as well as the conclusion that I wouldn't mind waking up to him everyday. I need to get a grip.

I wet my lips with my tongue and averted my gaze. My heart could be heard in the silence between us, and I'm sure he could pick up on it. "Thank you," was all I could say. If he managed to turn my mind to mush with just the flash of a smile, how will I react when I really start to catch feelings? I dreaded the thought. I've never felt this way towards anyone before and I was struggling to figure out how I could possibly act normal and not embarrass myself. We've only known each other for a few weeks so I couldn't even begin to justify how I was feeling.

"I was going to attempt making omelettes for breakfast, is that alright?" Max asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. He stood up from the bed. It was only then that I also noticed that Max was shirtless. I mean, I knew he wasn't wearing a shirt because I had been touching his bare skin, but I didn't appreciate it until now. Holy fuck. I tried not to stare, but I couldn't help myself.

When he cleared his throat, a smirk spreading across his lips, I finally snapped back to reality. "Yeah, that's great," I replied, dropping my gaze to my hands to try and stop myself from staring. I knew he had caught me staring and I felt my face heating up as a result. I wanted to draw the attention away from my embarrassment so asked the first thing that came into my head. "Do you mind if I use your shower?" It wasn't out of the blue; showering is one of the first things I do every morning. 

"Not at all. Here-" Max reached into his still packed suitcase and passed me one of his shirts. "I don't expect you want to stay in the exact same clothes as yesterday. Victoria was always funny about that."

"Thanks," I gratefully took the soft material from his hand, "I'll wear this, but I'm quickly going to grab some fresh clothes from my room." I teased him with a smile as I climbed off of his bed. I didn't bother slipping on any shoes or better clothes as I didn't intend to be long in my room. The thought did cross my mind that I could've showered in my own hotel room, but I had already asked Max. I also wanted to be close to him in case I took to long in the shower and was late to breakfast. It was very generous that he offered to cook me breakfast.

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