Chapter 11

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Kudzai and I left Bahrain on Monday with a few extra guests. Not only had Esteban decided to join us back in the UK, but so did the Verstappen sibling duo. I had promised Victoria that I'd take her shopping in London which is why she was coming, Max had just decided to tag along because he didn't want to be stuck in Monaco with Daniel.

They were lucky I had a spare room otherwise someone would have to sleep on the floor. Damien had text me as we were driving from the airport that he had cleaned the place before he left so that was one less person to worry about. He had to go home to pack for his trip to Argentina to watch the MotoGP.

"I can't wait to see Murray again." I smiled to Victoria as I stuck the key in the lock. There was a faint bark from behind the door which only increased my anticipation. I always hated having to leave him behind, especially for the races that were far away. For some of the European races, Damien is able to drive Murray since he's alright with car journeys so I get to spend some more time with them.

"Does he bite?" Max tentatively asked as I was about to open the door.

I laughed at the idea of Murray being even remotely aggressive. "Not unless I tell him to." I joked.

A look of horror flashed across his face when I pushed open the door. Immediately I was greeted by the ball of fluff that is Murray who almost tackled me to the ground. He didn't spend as long trying to lick my face because he had quickly noticed some unfamiliar people. Whilst he was distracted by Victoria and Max (Esteban had already been introduced prior), I was able to bring everyone's bags into the living room with a little help from Kudzai.

I let out a sigh, looking around the clean room. "It's good to be home."

"Tell me about it," Kudzai flopped down onto the sofa. "I've missed my sofa-crease."

"Kudzai," Esteban drawled out, "I'm hungry. What's for dinner?"

"We literally just got in, can't you wait half an hour?"

"I can order in a takeaway if you wanted, we could have our cheat day early." I suggested. Esteban looked up from where he had rested his head on Kudzai, a smile on his face.

"I could do with a Chinese." Victoria commented, entering the living room with Max closely behind her. Murray ran through their legs and jumped on the sofa, circling a few times before settling next to Esteban.

Max shrugged in agreement, "I could do with a cheat day."

"Sorted." I unlocked my food and opened a takeaway app. "What does everyone want?" My phone was passed around as everyone chose what the wanted.

"Who's paying?" Victoria asked as my phone was given back to me.

"I'll do it, it'll be easier." Since all my credit info was saved on my phone, it took barely any time for the order to be placed.

"How much should I give you towards it? Half?" Max reached into his pocket but I quickly stopped him.

"Don't be stupid, you're a guest." I smiled, taking a seat on the sofa next to Murray. Max sat down next to me whilst Victoria took the pouffe.

Esteban sat up, "You always made me pay." He whined.

"Yeah, but I like Max and Vic so..." I gave him a fake, sweet smile as he pouted. "And I also didn't have this job then and you were making a lot more than I was." An F1 driver makes so much more than an F2, even though they still make a lot.

"Wow, didn't think I'd be betrayed by you Lys." Esteban put his hand on his chest in mock hurt, dramatically turning his head so that he was facing away from me. I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour.

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