Chapter 95

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Going into a race weekend knowing that Marcus was at home, awake and cheering me on, was one of the best things I could've asked for. A lot of the team were asking me to send 'best wishes' messages on to Marcus in an attempt to speed up his recovery. Although he definitely won't be racing for the remainder of the season, he's got his sites set on recovering for 2022. It'll be a big achievement if he can, and we're all rooting for him to get back to doing what he loves. I'll support him as long and hard as he supports me, and then a little extra.

"There's that smile!" Emanuel buzzed when he cans into the office on Friday afternoon before the first free practice session. He took the chair next to me whilst I waited for some data about the track conditions today, poking a finger at my cheek before I swatted it away. "It's good to see it back, kid."

"I've got a good feeling about this race." I nodded my head confidently. "I couldn't care less if someone was trying to sabotage me - nothing can kill my vibe."

"Well, there was an issue on delivery of your tyres. You're actually a set down on the prime compound and unfortunately we won't be able to replace them." Oh.

"I guess I'll just have to make another compound my prime," I shrugged, hoping to rub off some of my optimistic attitude onto Emanuel. "I'm going to make this race track my bitch."

"That's the kind of attitude I love to see!" Emanuel patted my shoulder encouragingly. "It's like how you were at the beginning of the season before you were hit by that shit storm."

"I wish I could go back to when my biggest worry was how long I'd be able to keep 'A' from Max." I exhaled loudly. "I've just got to keep making the best out of bad situations until the end of the season. There are so many people rooting for me and I'd beat myself up even more if I feel like I've let them down."

"You beat yourself up about things?" Emanuel spun in his chair so that he was facing me better.

"Well, I've made quite a few mistakes recently and that's on top of car faults," I pointed out. "I must have one of the highest crash rates of anyone else this season."

"I think Verstappen might top you," he said. Then, he added with a wink: "and I'm sure he does it in more ways than one."

It took a moment for the innuendo to click in my mind. When it did, my face recoiled. "You're supposed to be the mature one!"

Emanuel shrugged. "I can be that and the funny one."

I groaned through a smile. "Does your husband tell you that?"

"He also tells me other things, like-"

"I do not need to know," I stood up from my seat just as one of my strategists handed me a file of data. "I'm going to go find Kudzai and then absorb all of this," I shook the file slightly. "Make sure my car is all in order, okay?"

"Will do," Emanuel said whilst standing up. "Don't be late."

"Wouldn't dream of it," I replied over my shoulder before leaving the room.

Kudzai was probably over on Esteban's side of the garage, or just at Esteban's side. It's where she's spent the majority of her time since the two got engaged. They arrived to the UK together, however I didn't get a chance to see them as much as I would've liked. The hospital kept the 'two visitors at a time' rule quite seriously so D and I stayed as a pair, whilst Kudz and Esteban were a pair. We also had to make time for Marcus's family over the few days that we stayed there; it was nice to see El and Teddy again. If I could've stayed for longer, I would've, but I needed to leave by Wednesday evening to ensure that I arrived in Singapore on time. My internal clock may be a little messed up, but I'm still timed to be feeling awake for the practice sessions today.

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