New Year, New House (BONUS)

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As soon as the deposit was secured, the estate agency finally handed over the keys of my new house in Switzerland. It was a little after Christmas when I officially moved in as it took a while to bring over some things from the UK. All of the required forms successfully went through which allowed for me to live part-time in the new country. Max was sweet enough to volunteer his time and flew over from Nice to help with moving boxes and the assembly of furniture since neither my brother nor my sister had a working brain cell between them, it seemed. Whilst Max and I worked, they occupied themselves in my new garden with Murray, playing in the freshly fallen snow.

With new year's eve fast approaching, I decided to make it my goal to get the house presentable so that I could host a party to celebrate the start of 2021. The invites were sent on the same day that I thought of the idea so I hoped that at least some people didn't have set plans and could therefore make it. Lewis was one of the first to reply back and offered to bring some of his friends which I was excited for. There was plenty of space in my house to have people spend the entire night if needed. Four large bedrooms and an open living space could easily accommodate them.

"So who's actually coming tomorrow?" Max asked as he lay sprawled out on my new sofa. He was absentmindedly playing with the little gnome he convinced me to buy during the early days of our relationship that I didn't have the heart to throw away. Mick was sat on the adjacent sofa, whilst I had claimed the comfortable armchair. "I'm going to make a list so we know how much food and drink to get."

"Umm," I scrunched my eyes closed and brought my hand to my forehead as I raked my mind. The past few days have completely drained me and my memory was falling to pieces. "I know Lew is, and he's bringing some of his friends but I don't know how many. Marcus was given the all-clear to fly so him and Damien will be here. I think Seb and his family are coming, so that's four extra. Lando, George, Seychelle, Giuli, Robby... uh, also Charles, Victoria, Carlos, Alex... Pierre and Cate are still on their honeymoon so won't be able to make it, Dan is in Australia so can't make it. Minttu said that she'll force Kimi to come, so them and their kids will be here. A couple of M's MotoGP friends are coming - I think Marc, Fabio, Jack... I know Andrea can't  make it."

"So basically a shit-ton?" Mick commented, words lace with amusement.

"Yeah... there's definitely more. I feel like I'm forgetting the obvious."

"What about Kudz and Esteban?" Max questioned.

"Nope, can't make it," I said whilst sadly shaking my head. "They're moving themselves and doing prep work for the baby." It was a shame they wouldn't be able to make it, but I was completely understanding.

"At least you've got some family here."

A sudden feeling hit me in the pit of my stomach. It was heavy and made my mouth go dry. This would be the first new year's without any of my parents present. I always found it hard to cope with the years following my dad's death, and I've been so preoccupied I haven't even thought about the negatives. I won't have my mum here for the first time ever and it hurts. All I could do in reply to Mick was nod my head as the frayed hem of my jumper suddenly became the most interesting thing.

"Shall we get going then?" Max suggested.

I managed a nod of the head. "Just let me tell Juli and Xavie."


The preparation for the party was working as a great distraction from the miserable reality. Mick and Max were quick to sense that something wasn't right with me continuously gave me tasks to do that would take a lot of thinking. I barely caught a break until it came to greeting the guests as they arrived the following day.

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