Chapter 63

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I pushed everything that had happened this weekend to the back of my mind. There is no room for error in this race if I want to keep my seat until Abu Dhabi. Everything was riding on this race - my entire career could end if I fail to perform. Opening up about 'A' was almost certainly a good decision. Although I had kept the secret for so long, I hadn't been needing to find a new team until now so had to take a risk. Thankfully, none of the teams seemed to turn their nose up at me, although a few individuals did. All of the drivers congratulated me for being the first woman full time in the sport for a long time, and wished me well in the future. This is the first step towards the world knowing who I am, however I don't think everyone is convinced of my worth yet.

T> 'We're just double checking the radio, don't want a repeat of Austria.'

A> 'Well a podium would be nice...'

T> 'Lets go for the win, 'A''

A> 'Always do. Starting from the back just means more opportunities to overtake.'

T> 'We can easily pick off the pack. Aiming for at least P6.'

A> 'No pressure then, eh?'

Robert patted my helmet and gave me a thumbs up before he had to walk off track. The warm up lap was almost underway. The good thing about starting plumb last is that my engine doesn't get a chance to overheat and I also get tyre choice. Esteban is starting fifth on the grid, ahead of Valtteri and Kimi. I didn't pay too much attention to the starting order as I hadn't actually participated in qualifying. Also, by the time I get up into the points, the order would've changed anyway as the more dominant cars move up. The McLarens may be an issue later on as they qualified pretty high (Fernando was best of the rest).

I weaved around the track, trying to generate some of that key heat before I eventually pulled up on my mark. My team gave me a brief weather forecast (no rain predicted) and told me that we'll be on strategy A (one stop).

Waiting on my mark wasn't as nerve-wrecking as it usually is, mostly because the anticipation of waiting for the back markers to fill wasn't there. Not long after my car stopped, the lights began to flash on. I tapped four seconds on the side of my wheel to ensure that I had the best possible start - I need to get ahead of the slow cars as quickly as possible if I want to preserve my tyres.

Lights Out. Straight away I could tell my start was good. As we drove the long straight up into turn one, I moved my car to the inside. I managed to undercut five drivers by the time we had reached the breaking zone. Well, at least, I thought it was five.

The Williams either didn't see me or chose to ignore that I was there. When they braked late, their right back tyre ran over my front one, sending the car into a barrel roll. My heart felt like it had stopped but I barely had any time to dwell on the damage as I needed to continue the race.

A> 'He didn't see me. I was ahead before braking. Is he alright though?'

T> 'Stroll is alright - getting out of the car now. Gasly is also moving. He was hit by the Williams.'

Shit. As if my luck for this weekend couldn't get any worse, I just had to make contact with the son of the man who's buying my team and send them into a barrel roll.

T> 'Any damage?'

A> 'No. I'll keep going.'

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