Chapter 35

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I woke up to the light streaming in through the window. Once again, Max had forgotten to close the blinds all the way yet this didn't seem to affect his sleep. I let out a mumble of unpleasant words before gently moving Max's arm off my body and standing up. I tried to walk as quietly as I could so that I didn't disturb him. Thankfully, he didn't have a creaky floor unlike in my apartment.

With the blinds now closed, I made a move to get back into bed. Unfortunately, my stomach made a large growling sound that resembled a dying animal. My hands immediately wrapped around my stomach in an attempt to quieten the noise. Max didn't seem to stir, and I let out a sigh of relief.

Before walking into the kitchen, I slipped into some fresh underwear and one of Max's t-shirts. I am fully aware that I do have my own clothes that I could put on, but his clothes always seem more comfortable than mine. As I was changing, I had caught a sight of my body in the mirror. There was a small cluster of bruises on my lower neck, close to my collarbone, as well as two on my hips. They were slightly tender to the touch.

I took a seat at the breakfast bar and began to scroll through my phone to see if there were any recipes I couldn't mess up. It's a good thing Max went shopping the other day for groceries or else I would've starved. I soon found one that didn't require any cooking, just shoving a bunch of stuff into a bowl.

After opening the fridge, I grabbed out the natural yoghurt, blueberries and raspberries. I then got the bananas from the fruit bowl and muesli clusters from the cupboard. Within five minutes I had produced a breakfast that Lizzie my instructor would be proud of.

Whilst I ate my breakfast, I scrolled through my social media sites. My personal account seemed to have gained a few more followers since last night. This is probably because Max had posted a picture of me on his Instagram from when we were watching the film - I wasn't even paying attention to the film at that point, just playing with his hand. Luckily for me, the photo wasn't overly unflattering.

To get revenge, I decided to post a picture of him asleep on my sofa with Murray lying on his chest. Murray looked as adorable as ever, Max however had his mouth open and head hung back. I still found it extremely cute, but I knew that he wouldn't. For the caption, I went with 'missing my pup 🐶' to make it seem like a harmless photo rather than a revenge plot.

I then moved on to 'A's account to see whether Damien was still being consistent with posts. Surprisingly, he had already posted some amazing photos from my podium yesterday. I was expecting him to not have them up until later today since he's so busy travelling - I don't give that man enough credit.

Just as I shovelled the last spoonful of food into my mouth, there was a knock at the front door. I listened out to see whether Max had stirred but there wasn't any sign of movement which meant I'd have to be the one to answer. I peeked through the small looked on the door to see that it was Daniel. What time is it? Quickly, I wiped my mouth of any yoghurt before opening the door wide.

"Hey Lys, is Max up?" He asked, walking into the apartment even though I hadn't invited him in.

I scowled at him. "Don't 'Hey Lys' me."

"Why? What did I do?" He turned to look at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

I dropped my voice to just above a whisper in case Max were to wake up. "You almost outed me to Max!"

He paused for a moment, looking at me confused. Then, it seemed to click. "Oh, about 'A'?"

"Shh!" I exclaimed, clamping my hand over his mouth with wide eyes. "Don't fucking say it so loud."

Rolling his eyes, Daniel grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away. "You're overreacting." His gaze then flickered to my neck which I subconsciously hid with my hair. "Besides, he clearly didn't find out." Daniel pointed to the love bites with a cheeky grin.

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