Chapter 86

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I hadn't felt dread like this since I had taken the journey to the hospital about my dad's worsening condition several years ago. The fact that neither me nor Kudzai had heard anything on the plane journey to Ciudad del Motor del Aragón wasn't reassuring in the slightest. Luckily, the team provided us with a private aeroplane to fly us there, more than likely because Esteban was with us.

The three of us flew in silence. I chose to sit next to the window which was furthest from Kudzai; I still wasn't ready to forgive her for today's earlier actions. Esteban didn't seem like he was going to forgive her anytime soon either and chose to sit close to me. It was nice to have his comforting presence especially since I was on and off crying for the entire journey. The only thing that we knew about Marcus's condition was that it was severe enough that he needed to be airlifted directly off the circuit. Esteban thought it would be best to keep away from any news articles and shows so that I didn't watch the crash. He thought it wouldn't do me any good, or if anything it could make me worse.

My knee felt like it was shaking all the way until we finally arrived at the hospital. Each of us had tried to Damien for an update but his phone went straight to voicemail. We could only assume that he was talking to Marcus's family or the doctors, and not that he was refusing our call as the worse had happened.

"Oh my god, Damien!" I exclaimed. He was sat in the waiting room of the hospital, his face red and puffy from crying. As soon as he heard my voice, he lifted his head and let out a loud sob. I wrapped my arms tightly around his shoulders, not caring about the pain in my hand as I cried with him. "Please tell me he's going to be okay."

We pulled away and Damien brought a shaky hand to his trembling lips. "I-I don't know. I only know that he went into surgery pretty much as soon as we got here. Nobody's telling me anything and I don't understand Spanish." It has been over six hours since the accident happened so I couldn't help but fear that the lack of information wasn't a good sign.

"I'll ask at reception, see whether there's any update. Sit tight, mate, alright?" Esteban patted Damien's shoulder but I could see the unsettled look in his eyes. He, too, noticed that the situation wasn't looking very good at the moment which made my heart sink. I can't lose M...

"Lys, how'd your race go?" I could tell that Damien probably didn't care about the result I got and was just looking for a distraction but I didn't care. He retook his seat whilst Kudzai followed Esteban to reception.

"It was pretty boring, to be honest," I answered truthfully, resting my hand on his bouncing knee, "but I finished fourth."

"Fourth? Is that it?" He cracked a small smile, although it was obviously forced.

"It's a good result considering I almost wasn't going to race," I shrugged, leaning against him. "I still might not race for the rest of the season."

"What? Why?"

"I broke a bone in my hand when I trapped it in a door. The team didn't know until Kudzai told them..." I trailed off, feeling the anger that I had before beginning to bubble inside me.

"I thought I could sense some tension." Of course D would notice. "You guys are usually so close, and I knew it was something bigger than M."

"She might've just ruined my career. It'll take a while for me to forgive something like that." I inhaled deeply in a sigh.

"Do I need to be mad at Kudz as well?" Damien questioned.

I shook my head, smiling slightly at the gesture, "I think she's got enough people mad at her right now."

We both sat there in each other's company whilst we waited for Esteban to come back. I felt so drained, both physically and mentally, and I could see it on D's face that he was exhausted, too. As soon as I know that Marcus is going to be okay, I'll be able to get some rest. I've just got to think positively even though everything's pointing to the worst.

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