Chapter 89

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I looked at myself for the final time in the mirror. My hair, which had been in and out of a very messy bun for the past week and a half was neatly curled and cascaded over my exposed shoulders. It was strange to see my face with makeup on because I've been without it ever since Marcus's crash. A smoky eyeshadow was decorating my eyelids along with a sharp black wing. My highlight was bright and made my cheekbones pop. The mauve colour painted on my lips was muted in its tones which meant the focus would be drawn to my eyes. I decided to wear the same dress I wore for my birthday earlier in the year since it was the only one I seemed to have packed. It still looked as good as the day I first wore it. Anyone who looks at me wouldn't have thought that I'm one bad word away from shutting myself in my room and only leaving to race.

My phone buzzed on the bathroom counter and broke my trance. I audibly sighed before reaching for the device; it was a text from Max.

'Hey, I'm just downstairs. Don't keep the taxi driver waiting!
- Max 😘❤️'

'I'm omw x
- Lys🔥❤️'

Before heading down, I shoved my keycard, phone and a charging cable (not making the same mistake like I did at Esteban's birthday) into a black clutch, along with some money so I could buy drinks. Unfortunately, the legal drinking age in Japan was twenty which means I'm going to be stuck with mocktails, fizzy, and water for the entire night. I'm sure I could get someone to buy me a drink, but I wouldn't want to risk getting them into any kind of trouble.

I fumbled to close the door behind me since my hands were full - I didn't want to accidentally drop Max's gifts and damage the very special Force India wrapping paper that concealed them. Along with the ring, I got him a couple of lighthearted presents such as a Force India cap with my number (70) and A's signature in black sharpie on the brim, a 'Grow-Your-Own Girlfriend', and the brand new FIFA 21 game that I knew he was excited for. He's definitely going to spending his free time playing that than talking to anyone.

"Hey!" Max's face lit up in a smile as soon as he saw me. I returned his wide grin as best as I could considering I was trying to concentrate on balancing his gifts. "Here-" Max jogged over to me and took the gifts out of my hands. "Do you want these in the trash, or...?" He joked, most likely because of the wrapping paper.

I sarcastically laughed. "You're hilarious."

"I try to be," Max shrugged, biting his lip to suppress a smile, however unsuccessful. The corners of his lips twitched upwards, despite. "You look really beautiful, by the way."

"Thanks," I felt my face heat up as it usually does whenever he compliments me. My heart couldn't help but flutter when I checked out what he was wearing. Although it was simple (a smart shirt with the top few butting undone, tucked into some navy trousers), he looked exceptionally handsome. "You look really beautiful, too."

Max placed his gifts into a large bag that was already in the back of the taxi. He then gestured for me to climb in, which I did so with a fair amount of difficulty considering my shoes and length of my dress. I didn't exactly want to flash any of the innocent passers-by with my lack of grace.

"Who got you the bag?" I said, amusement in my words as I looked down at the bag of gifts in my right. It was bright purple in colour with neon green polka dots, along with a large and rather unflattering picture of Max's face from when he had fallen asleep in the car. It looked like something Vic would choose for him to give him as much attention as possible to annoy him even though she wasn't here.

"My sister," his face scrunched up as he took my hand. "She thought it would be funny."

"I think it's quite..." I paused as the smile grew on my face and I tried to think of the best word to describe it, "Bold."

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