Chapter 76

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"Alyssa!" Lizzie clapped her hand in front of my face for about the fifth time this workout session. I immediately sat upright, panting slightly.

"Sorry." I apologised after removing the mask from my face. Lizzie gave me a frown of concern, resting a hand on my shoulder.

I have barely had any sleep the past couple of days because there has been some trouble with my brother. My mother has apparently stopped doing her usual weekend visits and instead will only see him once a month (if he's lucky). Obviously it's been hard for both me and Andrea having to juggle our jobs with trying to keep him happy and unaffected by the new circumstances. It's still unclear as to why my mother would do that, especially when she knows Xavier is dependent on close bonds like family.

"Maybe we should finish this session here? I've been working you hard this past week. Have tomorrow off as well and we'll resume work on Monday."

I let out a small sigh of relief. "Thanks Lizzie."

"Sort out what you need to and come back stronger, okay?" She looked at me expectantly. "Also get some sleep. Your eye-bags are so big I can fit my monthly shop in them."

I exhaled softly and smiled. Lizzie gave me one last pat on the shoulder before gathering her bag and leaving. I just sat on the exercise machine for a while, trying to get rid of as much fatigue before attempting to stand. My phone was resting on top of my bag so I'll have to move to be able to text my ride that I had finished.

Since I was spending my time before heading to Russia in the UK, and because Lando was doing the same (he had work at the McLaren headquarters in Woking), he spent his free time at my apartment. Kudzai was with Esteban or at Silverstone so our company was uninterrupted. Lando was being such a good friend and even offered to pick me up from work (whilst Kudzai dropped me off) so he was my ride today. He was usually finished by three whilst it was currently four.

'Hey, just letting you know that I've finished. Are you still able to pick me up? x
- Alyssa 💖'

I sat staring at my phone whilst waiting for a reply. It surprisingly wasn't long until the device pinged.

'Of course. I'm at the cafe around the corner so I'll meet you out front x
- Lando 🧡'

'Thanks so much x
- Alyssa 💖'

I picked my bag up and went to throw it over my shoulder however the sheer weight of it completely threw off my balance. I stumbled to the side, trying to reach out for something to grab. Instead, I tripped and fell backwards.

The next thing I knew I was looking up at the ceiling with a pounding in my head. I slowly blinked and turned my head to the side, inhaling sharply at the pain on the back of my head. Shit. I couldn't gather my thoughts properly as I just lay on the floor, not able to will my body to do much more than reach out for my phone which had fallen a couple of feet away. A soft moan of pain escaped my lips when I went to sit up.

"Shit!" A voice exclaimed. My eyes moved to the door to see someone rushing into the room. I couldn't focus on who it was. "Alyssa? Alyssa, can you hear me?"

I hummed in response, trying to lift myself up onto my elbows. I felt the person grab my arm and place a hand behind my back for support.

"Don't move too quickly." My eyes were closed from the intense feeling in my head so I didn't resist to much. "Merde." As soon as the person said this, it clicked in my mind that it was Esteban. The French accent was clear to me now. "I'm going to call Kudzai. We've been looking all over for you after Lando said you were meant to meet him outside over fifteen minutes ago."

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