Chapter 59

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I've had a few dms saying for me to update early over the past week so have this chapter 44mins before Sunday x

The ringing in my ears brought me out of my shock and the reality of the situation set in fast. I payed minimal attention to the damage as I tried to clamber out of my car. My breathing had rapidly increased and my heart was pumping a large amounts of adrenaline, causing me to shake. Both Kimi and Charles has gotten out of their cars by the time I had managed to undo my seatbelt and climb out. I was panting hard in an attempt to get some air into my lungs; it felt like I was suffocating. There were people on the pit wall looking through the fence at the carnage I caused. From what I saw from my darting eyes, they were shocked and worried.

Alyssa, breathe, I told myself, wanting nothing more than to calm down. There was an immense pressure on my chest which caused my knees to wobble as I tried to walk. A hand snapped me out of my thoughts and my head whipped in their direction.

At first, Charles's voice was muffled by the loud ringing that persisted in my ears. However, when it died down, I could finally hear him (just about) through the insulation on my helmet. "Are you okay?" Kimi was right being him, his visor lifted to show his eyes which did not look happy. "What happened?"

What did happen? I tried to think back to before I collided but everything was happening at such a fast pace. I couldn't remember if I had swerved to hard, or if I lost control, or whether there was an issue. One thing that was certain was that the practice had been red flagged.

I shook my head frantically, gently pushing Charles away from me as I needed some space. Something flashed behind his eyes underneath the visor, but I didn't know what. My mind couldn't focus on anything right now and I barely noticed that I was being ushered into the medical car. I didn't notice Kimi sitting in the back with me until he let out a disapproving grunt.

"What the fuck happened?" He asked. It was clear in his tone of voice that he was annoyed. I was actually surprised he was speaking to me.

"I-I don't know." I stuttered, unable to fully explain myself. My voice was weak and shaky as if I were about to cry. Honestly, it wouldn't come as a shock to me if I did end up breaking down with how shit the day has been so far.

"Bwoah." He mumbled, turning his head so that he was looking out the window. Along with the ache in my chest from the impact, I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. I didn't get a good enough look at his car to know what damage was done, but I had just potentially ruined his qualifying chances. It's the same with Charles.

As soon as we arrived at the medical centre, I was being directed to a quiet room for an examination. I took a seat on the little bed as my legs were aching too much to stand. I don't know at what speed I hit the wall, but it was definitely high enough to do damage.

"That was quite a big collision there." A familiar doctor walked in. She was the one who assessed me after my Baku crash so knew who I was. The team had also said that she was directly linked with them so I had no worry about anything being leaked.

I took my helmet off, resting it beside me at the first chance I got. Being in it felt claustrophobic. I was still panting slightly when I finally leant back.

"Alyssa, are you okay?" Dr Sara Cassidy asked, clipboard in hand. I nodded my head, my eyes closing at the light. She obviously didn't believe me and began to conduct her physical examination. It didn't take too long before she ruled out any broken bones, however she couldn't rule out a concussion. "You're probably going to need some ice later on for when your muscles begin to ache - it'll feel like you've just completed a ten kilometre run."

"It-feels-like-that-anyway." I managed out between breathes. This wasn't a good sign and I knew what was coming on. It was difficult to keep my breathing under control especially when I was in a state of shock still. Dr Cassidy quickly noticed the oncoming attack, too, and offered a glass of water into my shaking hand.

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