Chapter 77

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My head wound was cleaned and glued and I was discharged a little before eleven after all of my tests came back clear. Since it was so late, Lando only stayed for a little so that he could have some food before leaving. Max was due to come over at around nine in the morning and then stay for the entire day. Luckily Damien was home this weekend to help me get changed without moving the gauze still on the back of my head to catch any weeping.

Finally being able to go to sleep that night was a relief. Although it was a little uncomfortable trying to find a position where I wasn't lying on my cut, eventually I settled in bed with Murray at my feet. Thanks to the painkillers I had been taking routinely since hitting my head, the thumping sensation was more annoying than painful.

I awoke the next morning to the bed dipping beside me and a loose hair being tucked behind my ear. Since I was still incredibly sleepy, I didn't think anything of it for a few moments until it hit me that someone was in my apartment because Damien for sure would not do this. My eyes snapped open and I inhaled sharply in surprise.

"Hey, schatje," Max's soothing voice spoke when he saw my alerted look. "I didn't think you or Damien would be up so I let myself in. I still have your spare key." I sighed before relaxing. "How're you feeling?"

"Like shit," I mumbled, slowly pushing myself into an upright position. "C'mere." Max leant closer so I could wrap my arms around his neck. His arms fell to my waist as he pulled my front against his. "I've missed you."

"It's been a while," He spoke into my hair, nuzzling his face into my neck. "I've been going crazy without seeing you."

"Even more so that usual?" I lightly chuckled. Max just hummed before pulling away.

"Any news on Mercedes?" He asked, resting his hand on my knee. With his other hand he scratched Murray's head since he had forced himself onto my lap.

I let out a sigh. "Not anything definitive. Although, I do have a feeling Lewis is going to retire at the end of this season."

Max raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Really? What makes you think that?"

"You can't tell anyone but I spotted a grey hair the other day. I don't know if Lewis knows or not because it was at the back of his head but if you tell him I told you, I will literally kill you. I don't want him hating me."

"It's cute that you think that you could kill me." He moved his hand from my knee to my cheek and caressed it lightly.

"It's cute that you think that I couldn't," I replied, folding my arms across my chest. Max's eyes flicked downwards, and then back up to my eyes after a short linger. His hand traced a line from my cheek to my jaw so that he could hold my face in his hand. In one swift motion, Max closed the gap between us and pressed his lips to mine.

After a few short moments, I reluctantly pressed my hand to his chest to gently push him away. A look of hurt washed across his face and I immediately felt guilty but I knew that it'd make saying goodbye at the end of the day easier. "You know we can't."

Max sighed heavily. "Can the season just hurry up and end? You can't even begin to think of the things I want to do to you."

"It's less than eleven weeks."

Max scoffed in amusement. "You do realise that's a long time, right?"

"I do and it fucking sucks." I rested my head against his shoulder and sighed. Everything seemed so much easier when Max and I first started dating and I wish it could've just stayed that way. Our moment of silence was interrupted by a soft growl from my stomach. I instinctively placed a hand over it and groaned, only just realising that I forgot to eat anything for myself last night.

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