Partnership (BONUS)

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I had expected the hype and buzz to die down by the time it came to flying back home however I couldn't be more wrong. Never in a million years did I expect to see my name or driver number trending on Twitter, or being one of the most popular tags on Instagram. Brands that I had been a fan of for years were messaging me about negotiations for sponsorships and I was in shock. When I started my career, I could've only dreamed of being in a position like this.

I didn't agree to anything yet, sending through the companies to the Mercedes team to analyse. They will be doing the majority of the negotiations with Kudzai until I find a new media manager and will ultimately tell me the brands they want to represent which wouldn't tarnish their own brand in any way. Lewis was already bringing in big names like Tommy Hilfiger and Police; I really needed to step up my game. As I hadn't shown my face until recently, none of my brand sponsors for the last few seasons were for anything fashion related since I technically wouldn't be seen promoting their products. I did have a few independent organisations from last season that wanted to renew their contract which I was delighted to hear.

In between deciding on my sponsors, I was also looking at properties in Switzerland. Mick has a house out near lake Geneva and lives a much more quiet life than the drivers living it up in Monaco. Whilst that lifestyle might appeal to some, I'm not used to the constant media attention and don't think I'm going to be getting used to it anytime soon. I don't care how much Max wanted me to move into the apartment a couple floors above his; I don't want to live in Monaco. Just visiting their for the Grand Prix and whenever I went to Max's was hectic enough and people didn't know who I was. It also wouldn't be suitable for my brother if I were to fly him out. His additional needs makes crowds unbearable and panic-inducing, and I want to be able to see him as much as possible.

Mick was spending the weeks leading up to Christmas visiting any available houses on the lake within my budget. I may be driving for Mercedes next year, but I don't get any significant payments until the sponsorships are sorted and my role in the team is established. The pretty bonus sum from Abu Dhabi was certainly going to help put down a deposit. He would send me videos that he sneakily took of the properties which really helped in making an informed decision. I had a flight to Geneva on the nineteenth of December in which I will make a decision if any of them are suitable for me.

With Kudzai moving out because of Esteban and the baby, I was going to move into Marcus's house so that me and Damien could help out. Having an additional property outside of the country would be good for getaways or free weekends when I don't feel like going back to the UK. It's something I've considered for a while now as the country is gorgeous, especially the lake. Geneva is also only an hours flight from Nice so I could still easily visit my friends in Monaco and vice versa.

I was just going through one of the properties that Mick suggested on its website when my phone buzzed. All of my socials had been silenced since I had taken off my helmet so I would only be notified by texts, calls, and emails. I lifted it up lazily, peering through the lens of the glasses perched on my nose - Lewis.

'Hey! So I have a couple of links with brands and I've been told that Michael Kors are looking to endorse you for a two year contract minimum. Toto gave me the go ahead to tell you that it's a good one. There's a shoot in London on the eighteenth of this month if you can make it. They want to get pictures of you with their stuff asap since you're all the rage atm. Money is good, too £££££££ and they're a big promotor of female empowerment. I've attached their number for you to call if you're interested. Hope your house hunt is going well!
Love, Lew x'

As I read the message, a warm sensation grew in my chest.

'Oh my gosh, I actually love you! Thank you for this Lew, it really means a lot to me and I really owe you one. I'll call them asap and confirm everything. You're officially the best teammate ever!!!
Lotta love, Lys x'

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